Eyeless Jack X Neko!Reader

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This is terrible,I haven't edited.Or fixed it,but my amazing excuse is....I'm fucking tired,it's 1:20am and I'm on holiday.I also haven't slept in 2 days because of my sleep insomnia which only leaves me now as I actually need it.Great.Well,this was requested by @Skyifer.

Y/N Pov

I ran as fast as I could through the woods.I had just seen a guy in a blue mask kill a man.

And so,being the logical smart person I am,my first thought was to stupid step a fugging branch gain the murders attention making me leg it to China (A/N:Any readers in China.....change it.)

Unfortunately, I wasn't fast enough and was tackled by the man in the blue mask.But because reality is a dick,his hand brushed against my ear making me pur and blush.I was a neko,and my ears were.....sensitive.

Even though I couldn't see under his mask,I knew he was confused.But once he figured out what I am,he fricking decided to do it again!

I purred and nuzzled my face into his hand,in pleasure and without consent I moaned (A/N:Reader-Chan's ears are like Italy's curl.Do I need to say any more?Also,hi all Hetalia fans!)

In embarrassment,I quickly got up and ran away,ignoring his calls.

And yet I was tackled...again....for the 2nd time tonight.

"What's your name!"The guy asked.

"It's Y/N..."I whispered.

"Y/N?That's a beautiful name...."He said making me blush,"My name is Eyeless Jack,but just call me E.J."

I nodded in fear, "Are you going to kill me?"

E.J shook his head, "No...I can't now....your just so....enchanting ."

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