The Girl

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*setting: a bar in Berlin
*plot: a cute girl. Who will win her over?

"Where should we perform next?" asked Flake. The rest of the band members seemed to ponder in thought.

"How about a few concerts in Düsseldorf?" suggested Paul. At this point, it was evident that Till wasn't paying attention. Oliver looked over at Till and gave him a confused look.

"What are you looking at, Till?" inquired Oliver as he turned to face the same direction Till was facing.

"That girl over there," was Till's response to Oliver's question.

"Come on guys, we don't have time to be wasting. We need to plan this now!" a now distressed Flake exclaimed as he attempted to get the attention of everyone.

"Wow that girl is pretty." said Richard as he raised an eyebrow.

"Pretty hot. Okay, how about a bet?" requested Christoph as he glanced at everyone.

"A bet?" asked Paul.

"I'm interested," replied Richard. His hand was now on his chin. The others began listening intently to Christoph's words. All except Flake who seemed rather uninterested.

"Let's see who can get that girl first. Whoever wins, gets $10 from each participant. Who's in?" explained Doom as he began searching for his wallet. Flake immediately felt uncomfortable with objectifying a woman. He said no to the bet. Doom didn't force or insist that Flake joined. Heck, the less competition the better. Till, Richard, Paul, Oliver, and Christoph all joined in. The first man to approach her was Oliver.

"Hallo. Sprechen sie Englisch?" politely asked Oliver as he approached the woman. She laughed and said she didn't understand a single word in German. Both laughed for a bit. Problems arose when the woman recognized Till Lindemann. She felt more interested in Till. Oliver felt his chances of winning grow slim. He put his money on the table and called it quits. Till and the woman began talking about random opinionated topics. The woman soon came to realize that Till was very different from what she wanted in a man.

"Hello, miss. What brings you here?" says Richard as he pushes away Till. Till, on the other hand, refused to back down. Both would continue to talk over one another which clearly annoyed the woman. Paul slides in and takes the woman away from both men.

"I apologize for those two. They can get competitive over beautiful women such as yourself."

"Two things. One, what's that supposed to mean? Am I not the first time they pull stuff like this? And two, what is with that haircut?" Paul felt his confidence hit rock bottom.

" Christoph, you deal with this!" sobbed Paul as he made his way back to the table. Till and Richard were too occupied arguing with one another. Paul joined Oliver at the "given up" table. Christoph immediately hit it well with the lady. Both seemed to be having a great time. Richard and Till on the other hand were still yelling at each other.

"The lady wouldn't have left if you weren't so annoying!" exclaimed Till.

"She left because you have a stupid personality! And a dumb man bun!" screamed Richard.

"Girls like man buns! Shows how much you know about women!" barked back the muscular individual.

"Give it up you two. Come back to the table. We all know who won this," sadly stated Paul. Till grabbed Richard by the arm and pulled him to the "given up" table.

"We both lose. Now don't you dare try going back." firmly said Till to Richard as he, Richard, grumbled at the thought of losing.

"Oh, so you're from Oregon. That's in America. How interesting." responded the bored drummer. This lady was far too analytical for his taste. Flake looked over and found her intriguing. He walked over to Doom and stood behind him. Doom asked if he wanted a shot at this and he agreed. Both individuals began talking about life and how passionate music is. All were completely dumbfounded by who won this bet.

Holding the lady's hand, Flake said,"I believe you five owe me $50." All five, now upset, handed Flake their money as he proceeded to walk away with the woman.

"I know this shouldn't matter, but do you guys think my haircut is okay?"asked Paul.

"Paul, it's your hair. Who cares what others think." replied Richard as he lit up a cigarette.

"You're one to talk!" yelled Till in frustration.

"Here we go again."says Oliver.


·Sie sprichst Englisch? = You speak english?


Originally written: May 27, 2018

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