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*setting: Rammstein house
*plot: Till's pizza

"Mensch! I am hungry!" Paul notices a large pizza on the countertop. His stomach grumbles at the thought of getting to eat a delicious pizza slice. "I wonder if this belongs to anyone." He quietly inquires as he continues his gaze on the pizza.

Richard announces, "Hey, Paul!" as he runs over to observe the pizza.

"This your's?" asks Paul as he looks up at Richard.

"Hah, I wish. Look how good that pizza looks! Maybe Christoph brought some for all of us?" replies Richard with a hint of hope to his voice.

Paul looks disapprovingly at Richard while saying, "You think mop hair would buy us food? He only cares about pleasing Till and Oliver."
Richard turns to face the floor.

"That is true, aber we must have hope! Let's share a slice; so if they see one missing, it won't bother them as much." suggests Richard.

I can't say no to that thought Paul. They both soon agree to eat a slice of the mysterious owner's pizza. Little did they know, they would soon come to regret that decision.

"Who took a slice of my pizza?" inquires Till. Both Paul and Richard go pale.

Richard telepathically: Well, fuck! We stole the brute's pizza! Now what?

Paul telepathically: Let's wait and see how he reacts. Maybe he won't mind?

Richard telepathically: Of course! Great idea, Paul. Till will definitely not punch us in the face! That is a horrible idea!!! He hates it when people steal his food.

Paul telepathically: I was trying to be hopeful!

"It definitely wasn't me." states Christoph with a snarky attitude. Till was not having it.

"I'll ask again. Who took a slice?"
Richard telepathically: I'll just take the blame then!

Paul telepathically: No! Please don't. I know he will go easy on me. I'll take the blame.

"I did," both Paul and Richard exclaim in unison. Both turned to face one another-both faces were full of regret.

"How? Two slices would be gone."
What the fuck, Richard thought Paul. Till observed both men.

"Well, uhh..." sputtered out Richard as he attempts to fix the situation.

"We...did not know who's pizza that was so we took a slice and shared it!" blurts out Paul.

"Is that true, Richard?" questions Till. Silence consumes the room before Richard responds.

"Yes," meekly replies Richard.

"Okay, that's cool. I just wanted to know who took my food. I thought it was the rat."

"Rat?" the rest of the band members ask in horror.

"You guys don't know about the rat that lives here? I nicknamed him Chuck E. Cheese!" asks Till with a puzzled look which then turns into laughter as he reveals the name he gave the rat.

"Um, obviously not!" screams out Richard in digust.

"Oh. Well, now you know. I'm gonna go to my room now. Tschüß!" says Till as he reaches for his pizza and leaves.

"Well, something needs to be done about that rat." calmly states Oliver.

"I'm not built for exterminating pests. I'll pass on this one." says Flake as he throws both hands up in a distressed manner.

"That turned out better than expected." Richard says in disbelief.

"Told you not to doubt Till. Sure, he can be wild, but he's normally in a good mood," reassures Paul.

"Should I call an exterminator?" suggests Oliver as he raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah, why not." Paul replies as he makes his way to his room.


Originally written: July 18, 2018

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