Awkward Encounters || 20

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Alex's Point of View

I sat there on the ground for a while. I let the rain drench my hair and let the mud stain my pants. I didn't bother moving because I felt broken. For all I care, I could drown in my sorrows and die. Stop being so dramatic all the damn time, I always tell myself. But, I couldn't help it. I am the Queen of Drama and, because of my royal screw up, I lost the one thing that mattered to me. Daryl Dixon.

Soon, the clouds parted to make way for the sun. The sun, the last thing I needed at this moment. It is a constant symbol of happiness, seen often at family picnics or at the beach. And who the f*$# considers these times, filled to the brim with death and despair, happy ones? I sure as hell don't. To avoid its taunting glare, I decide to seek shelter in the woods outside the camp. There is a problem with this plan, however, because I would have to request access outside the gates from the operator. Before all of this drama, this would be any easy thing to do, as I would simply ask to leave or lie about having to go on a run. But, seeing as how the gatekeeper was Luke, this interaction would be awkward. Then again, what's a little bit of awkward conversation in comparison to the bliss I would feel when I could be alone. Just me and nature, or whatever was left of it.

With heavy feet, I navigated through the various trailers and tents, trying my hardest to not disturb the people inside them. I, without having to intent to do so, passed Daryl and I's trailer. I couldn't help wonder if he was in there, probably listing several reasons to hate me. This thought only served as another reason to escape, even if it meant only for a little while. I bottled up my emotions for the time being. You only have to make it to woods, you've got this, I thought as I marched closer to the main gate.

There he was, stood at the main gate. Luke. Here goes nothing, I told myself. "Luke, down here," I tried to make him acknowledge my presence. He looked down at me, smiled a wide smile, and scanned the premises and nearby surroundings. Soon after he made his way down the old rusty ladder, his boots making a clanking sound each time one of them met a metal bar. Landing on the ground, loose dirt flew in the air. I coughed.

"Woah, sorry. Didn't mean to stir up all this c&@p. I just, uh, I was just excited to see you, that's all," he said, dragging me a few feet from the dust cloud. "Now isn't that better?" I laugh as he pushes a loose strand of hair behind my ear. Feeling the blush creep onto my cheeks, I make eye contact with the ground. How can I feel this way, especially after I recognized my feelings for Daryl? Am I a bad person? Is there something wrong with me?

"Yeah... Thanks...." I reply, twiddling with my thumbs, still managing to stare at the floor. There's a few seconds of awkward silence before I feel a finger under my chin, pulling it up gently. When I look up, I'm greeted by a pair of comforting blue eyes. His lips are tugged into a soft, sweet smile, which I can't help but return.

"Don't ever look away from me, or anyone for that matter. I want to see those big, beautiful eyes," Luke complements, pulling yet another piece of hair out of my face. "So, what are you doing out here?"

"I need to, um, go out for something..."

"And that something is?"

Quickly, I said the first thing that cam to mind, although it came out as more of a question. "Tampons?"

"Oh, yeah, yeah. You can go get some. Sorry I asked, was just curious," he rubs the back of his neck awkwardly. "Do you... Uh, need help? I could get Josh to take over guard duty and then I could go, if you want."

Luke's Point of View

She didn't look at me. As we spoke, her eyes were glued to the ground. Maybe she's feeling awkward about our conversation? Was it the tampons? I started to hypothesize reasons, reasons why she felt so nervous around me. Wait, is it me? Oh God, it is me! I can't believe I screwed it up with such a beautiful, intelligent, wonderful--

"Luke?" My name flew from her lips, her hand waving in front of my face. "Are you okay? Looked like you nodded off for a second." I stared for a few seconds, having to collect my thoughts.

"Um, yeah. I'll open the gates for you." I turned away embarrassed, my cheeks flushed a bright pink. I'd been so smooth when we were together before, but now I felt a loss of words. She's like this drug, putting me in a trance I can't escape. I got to the control panel that was connected to our newly obtained generator, flipping a few switches and hitting some buttons. All that I had to do now, all I had to do to expose her to the outside world, was to pull a lever that was marked clearly with masking tape: Main Gate Open/ Close. Still not feeling content with our conversation, I hop from the tower, not bothered to use the ladder. I walk towards her with a fragment of confidence and pull her into a hug, too afraid to do much more due to the lack of information on our relationship status. "Be careful, you hear," I pull away slightly to look into her eyes, "Since you came along, I feel like I've become better, if that makes any sense. I've found some meaning again, something that makes me want to continue living. And I don't know if you feel the same, but I sure would like you to be here tomorrow, and the next day, and however many days after that to explore this. I want to explore the possibility of, well, of us."

She pulls back, causing my arms to fall limp by my sides, "Luke, I... I." She stops talking for a moment, most likely figure out what to say, or how to say it. "I don't know what I want, hell, I don't even know what my purpose is anymore. So, can you just open the gate, please. I need some time to think. Okay." I sigh, and my breathing almost stops. Just open the door for her, you idiot, I told myself. She doesn't want you, she never did. You just made things awkward. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

"Yeah, sure." I didn't look back. All I did was march up the ladder, flipped the lever, and watched as the gates opened slowly. Once I saw the area was clear, I closed it again.

Alex's Point of View

I watch Luke walk away, only to climb the ladder moments later. I hear the motors turn on and watched the doors open, much quicker than a day ago where manual labor was required. I wave to Luke, a simple gesture to say goodbye. Putting one foot in front of the other, I walk out the gates. I take one last look behind me and stare straight into a pair of blue eyes. But, they weren't a random pair of eyes. I was looking straight at Daryl Dixon. He stood too far from me, too far to exchange words, yet still close enough to make eye contact. Before I could do anything, the gates started to shut behind me. And as his image was cut into by the doors, I felt my heart tear in half.

It. Is. Summer. (Woo.) I wrote this while I was camping, since I had nothing to do and I needed to update. Speaking of updates, I'm really sorry for not updating in so long! I had finals this past month and before that I had AP testing, so I was stressed. I passed the exam! (Yay.) But, I managed to get A's on all of the, well, except for math. Anywho, I'll try to update more. 'Till next time. So, don't forget to comment, vote, and share with other people.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2018 ⏰

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