4. School

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Disclaimer: Kagerou Project is Jin's property. I'm only playing with it for personal purposes.

Warnings: Uh..nothing?? I guess??

Beta: No betas yet!

" Oi, Tsubomi, you have eye bags under your eyes. You didn't stay up all night did you?" asked Seto with a concerned look on his face. 

I took a very deep breath and sighed, putting a hand to my face.

I want to clarify that first of all, I am not a morning person. Especially when it came to sneaking in, stealing blueprints, and having all-nighters trying to come up with a plan while writing down things that I remembered in Kagerou Project. All in novels, anime, manga, and music videos in blow by blow account and in detail.

Yeah, that wasn't exactly fun.

" Oh, yes, I'm fine. Just peachy. " I muttered in reply, running a hand through my short hair.

I saw Seto gave me a worried look after that and decided to leave it alone. 

After that, silence. Just, plain silence on the table. Not even Ayano or her parents were talking.

I glanced at Kano and Seto awkwardly from where I was sitting. It seemed that they were slightly uncomfortable judging from the atmosphere. I squirmed.

To be honest, I hated silence. I hated it. I really did.

Well, ain't this fun.

No crap Sherlock.

" ...Where is our school at?" I asked, attempting to make small conversation. I put my chopsticks down and raised an eyebrow at the family. " Is it far from here??"

Ayaka gave me a curious look before she explained, " No. It's actually in a walking distance actually. It's where Ayano-chan goes too as well. " She smiled. " You three could walk along with your older sister and get along together right?x'

" Of course we'll get along together ka-chan! We'll have lots of fun!" Ayano spoke up, offering a quick smile to us.

I couldn't help but smile back at Ayano.


After this, when we were given time to get ready to school, I had the liberty to use Ayano's restroom after she was done. It was a really nice restroom. It had a rather cozy space, and it was..clean.

It was perfect for planning out those blueprints.. but the risk was getting caught. It was so small, and I didn't have time to put those rather large blueprints in small containers.

I sighed, rubbing the bridge of my nose.

Then I took the time to observe myself in the mirror and realized that my green hair..really stood out.


I looked like some K-Pop idol or something because of this green hair. Besides.. is this hair color even natural?!

I resisted the urge to frown and raised an eyebrow, picking a strand of my green hair. Don't get me wrong, it doesn't look horrible or anything but.. still..it could be a problem when it comes to sneaking without the eyepowers.

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