5. Rough Start On Friendship??

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" What.. sort of.. " The little boy growled, unable to form the sentences out of his mouth.

I gulped nervously and took a step back. On the other hand, Kano was practically asking to die at this point since he was still laughing.

Let me tell you one thing, when little chibi Shintaro is pissed, he may look cute to older adults, but I knew, at this moment, that I screwed up. 

" W-Woah, we didn't mean for it to be you, I swear! " Seto stuttered frantically as I nudged Kano. He instantly stopped and looked at the black haired boy. 

The little chibi scoffed. " Whatever. " He muttered as he left the classroom. 

Congratulations, your first impression to Shintaro is certainly was not the best. In fact, it was one of the worst. 

Please, for the love of all things, shut up. I thought irritatedly, ruffling my hair. I mean, it wasn't like he had some vendetta against us starting now right..?

" ...So, that was a great prank.. " I started out, my eyebrow twitching a bit.

" Your sarcasm has been noted." Kano said rather cheerfully. 

" Guys, come on, it was an accident.. no one got seriously hurt.. right?" Seto reasoned weakly.

Me and Kano snorted. 

" ...Right." Seto said. " So.. what do we do now? "

A slight silence.

" Well, we could stick nails to the teacher's chair.." Kano trailed off as Seto looked at him, mortified. 

I just stared at Kano before shaking my head. " No way. There'll be blood everywhere. We don't want to be sentenced as a butt murderer would we?" I joked, looking at them with a dead pan expression.

Kano just stared at me incredulously before smothering his smile with his hands, silently turning away. 

On the other hand, Seto wasn't even surprised anymore at this rate. He looked so done with all of us.

I used my self control to restrain laughter as I shrugged. " I.. I want to make it up to him later..What's his name.. Shintaro? Yeah, I think it's Shintaro. "

That had definitely evoked a reaction from them as they were looking at me again. 

" ...Really? " Seto muttered, appearing like keeping a close eye on me.

I simply nodded.

Kano was uncharacteristically silent for a while, which made me wonder if he was getting suspicious of me. My palms started to get a bit clammy and I brushed off that possibility. 

No way. They are kids, so it was likely that they'd push away small details like that away right? I reasoned inwardly within myself before thinking a bit more. 

It came to my mind that I'd have to find away to be a bit more subtle, less suspicious as well. I'd have to constantly be on the watch.

Especially at my two ' siblings. '

I snapped out of my thoughts by the time the bell rang, which made me stand up and get dragged into another class. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2018 ⏰

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