Chapter 11

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- in the FBI station -

Knowing the stalker will be listening if you had the meeting at your place would be a bad idea at this point, so you all decided to meet up at the FBI station instead. Everyone's there, including your parents and JJ. He's gotten so big. You missed him so much but you're glad nothing has happened to him while he stayed at your parents place.

"Awwh baby, you're so big now. I see that grandma made you wear that hat you out grew already." you said.

Your mom laughed. "It's so hot out and that's the only thing I found."

You caress JJ's head. "It's okay mom, it looks cute on him." You gave her a kiss. "Thanks so much for taking care of him while things get settled."

"Oh, take your time. It's not a problem at all." your mom said while giving you a hug.

Jinyoung walked to the front of everyone, sighed and said, "First, let me apologize because I wouldn't have thought about meeting again for the second time. But things got worst. We really need to step our game up because this is no joke."

"Did something else happened?" Jackson asked.

Jinyoung nodded. "And it wasn't just Y/N and I in danger. Shownu, Wonho, Minhyuk, Kihyun, Hyungwon, Jooheon and I.M were in danger as well. The stalker knew we're in this together so he tried to get rid of us all."

"He might be going after the rest of us then." Bambam said worriedly.

"But we won't let that happen because I have a plan." Jinyoung said as he receives a photo from one of the FBI's. "This is what the stalker looks like. He's the guy from the supermarket and the one who caused the accident."

"Can I see it?" Mark asked as he takes the photo from Jinyoung.


"I know him."

"What? From where?"

"He's a manager at the the toy store near my street. He fixed one of my nieces stuffed animals before."

The FBI members started to look up the address.

"Wait, so like he fixes broken stuffed animals for a living?" Jackson questioned.

"That explains the talking bear." Hyungwon said.

"Talking bear?!" Youngjae asked.

"Yeah, the bear had the same exact voice as the guy at the supermarket." Hyungwon explained.

"But he looks like a regular guy. Why would he be causing all of this?" Yugyeom asked.

"Maybe he's working for someone?" Mark said.

JJ starts to cry for his dad. You gave him to Jinyoung. "That's what we need to find out ourselves. We need to be the ones to stalk him this time."

Jinyoung gave you a strange look. "Isn't that a little weird?"

"Well how come he can stalk us but we can't stalk him?"

"That's not a bad idea actually." JB said. "Since we all know what he looks like and where he works, we might be able to catch him."

You and Jinyoung look at each other and gave him a nod. He looks at Mark and at the FBI team. They both nod at him as well.

"Alright, we'll start tomorrow." Jinyoung said.

- at the toy store -

Jinyoung, Mark and the FBI team are in a car, parked across from the toy store where the stalker works. They can see him in there. The FBI then puts an ear piece in Mark's ear.

"You're gonna be able to hear me through the ear piece so do exactly what I tell you to do, say exactly what I tell you to say." Jinyoung said as he hands Mark a pair of glasses. "These glasses also have a camera in them for us to see what you're seeing."

"Wait, so what's the whole point of this again?" Mark questioned.

"To see if he is what we think he is."

"What if I get caught?" Mark asked.

The FBI handed him a pen and said, "If you get caught and he tries to hurt you, take this pen out and stab him with it. It's a taser that looks like a pen. He'll be out in no time."

Mark nodded but before he got out of the car, Jinyoung grabbed his arm and said, "Be careful, okay? Don't worry. We'll be watching you through the security cameras in the store." He smiled then left.

MARK's POV: I get out the car and walked to the store. I got welcomed by the bell ringing once I opened the door. I see the guy stitching the stuffed animal back up. He gave me a smile and said, "Hello sir, what can I help you with?" I then hear Jinyoung in my ear telling me things to say.

"Uhh, I just saw a hiring sign outside the window and I thought..."

He puts the stuffed animal down and stood up.

"Oh yes, we're taking walk in interviews at the moment. Did you want to have the interview right now?" He asked.

Mark hesitated but said yes. The guy then told him to follow him to the back of the store to have the interview. They got to a room and Mark sat down at the table.

"Wait here, let me get my papers."

Once the guy left, Jinyoung asked Mark if he was okay through the ear piece.

Mark looked around the room and said, "Jinyoung? I'm not too sure about this. What if I get caught?"

"You won't. Just remain calm."

"But what if..."

The guy entered the room and noticed Mark speaking to himself.

"You said something sir?"

Mark shook his head.

"Okay, so will this be your first job?" He asked.

"No, I currently work at a company. I'm just looking for another side job."

About an hour passed already. Mark did a good job not blowing away his cover. The guy stood up and stick his hand out for a hand shake.

"Well, thanks for coming in today. You can start tomorrow."

Mark went in for the hand shake but then the guy notices a wire sticking out of his jacket. He steps back and reached for something in his drawer while staring at Mark.

"Why is he staring at you like that?" Jinyoung asks through the ear piece.

Through the computer screen, the FBI can see what the guy is doing. He pulls out something.

"Mark, you need to get out of there right now! He's got a knife!" the FBI said.

Before the guy lunges at him, Mark already had his hand on the taser pen in his pocket. He took it out and tased him. He passed out on the floor. Minuets later, Jinyoung and the FBI team came in the room. They tied the guy up and put him in the car.

Jinyoung hugged Mark and asked, "You okay?"

"Yeah." Mark said panting. "Let's just take him back to the FBI station."

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