Chapter 13

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You, Jinyoung, Shownu and Mark decided to meet up with the guy at a cafe to discuss how to stop this mysterious man. The boys are actually waiting for you. You had to stop by at your parents place to drop off some of JJ's clothes since he's still staying there until this is all over. The atmosphere had an awkward silence but Mark broke it by asking the guy for his name.

"My name is Connor Sky."

"Well, I'm pretty sure you know all our names already... but I'm Mark, this is Shownu and that's Jinyoung."

"Yeah, haven't we met before? Oh, that's right. I've fixed one of your nieces stuffed animal before."

"Mhm." Mark agreed.

The guy got a text message. He read it and his eyes widen. Shownu noticed.

"Something wrong, sir?"

"Oh no, everything's fine." The guy said while rushing to put his phone away.

Shownu looked at the guy and had a "I'm not too sure about this guy" face. Jinyoung got up from his seat once he saw you get out of your car.

"Oh, Y/N's here." Jinyoung left to get you outside. You both then went inside and sat at the table. You greeted everyone a hello except the guy who's been causing your whole family trouble. You didn't even bother to look at him.

"Shall we start." You said as you open your laptop.

Jinyoung spoke up and said, "Okay, we need to find a way to stop this mysterious man but first, sir, name your first and last name, your age, address and what you do."

He answers all of the question while you're typing it into your computer. You have access to the links that the FBI uses to look someone up. You found his profile and so far, he isn't lying.

"And how many daughters do you have?" Jinyoung continued.

"Just one, Hailey Ann Sky. She's turning 10 this month." You nodded.

"And are you married?"

"Well, my wife went missing 2 years after my daughter was born. After, I was told that she has passed. But I have no idea how." He showed a picture of what she looks like.

"And her name?"

"Anna Mills Sky. Her last name was Mills before we got married."

You searched the name up. Your eyes widen then you and Jinyoung both looked at each other.

"Okay, so you said you've been in contact with this mysterious man through a different phone number ever since?"

"That is correct sir."

Moments later, Connor received a call and took it outside.

"Guys, don't you think there's something weird about him?" Shownu asked.

"I second that." Mark agreed. "It seemed like he was being cautious every time he spoke."

CONNOR's POV: I get a phone call so I went outside to answer it. Ugh it's him again.

"What do you want?" I said with an attitude.

"Whoa, you better watch that tone unless your daughter gets it."

"Don't you dare!"

"Whatever. Where are you? I need you to drop off another gift at the Park's place."

I look back at them. They all look so happy. I can't let him know that I'm with them. He's just gonna hurt them even more. But if I don't do what he says, he's gonna hurt Hailey. I have no other choice.

"Yo! Tell me where you're at or you'll pay!"

"Okay okay." I sighed. "I'm at a cafe on 12th street."


The call ended as soon as I said my location. Moments later, a van parked right next to me and took me inside. I tried to yell and escape but one of the men covered my mouth with their hand and the other was holding me down. The person in the driver seat noticed I was with Jinyoung, Y/N, Shownu and Mark. He then turned around from his seat and said,

"How come you didn't tell me you were with them?"

It's the mystery guy. He was wearing a mask and a hoodie, only his eyes were shown. He then reached over to the glove compartment and took out a pocket knife and hid it in his sleeve. My eyes widen once I saw the knife. I tried to free myself to warn the others but the guys were too strong. The guy left the car and headed inside the cafe. He took his mask off and put his hood down. I squinted my eyes to get a closer look at him.

/gasp/  "Kevin?!"

"What's taking Connor so long?"

Once you see Connor entering the cafe, the waiter came and handed everyone their coffee. You took some money out of your purse to give her a tip but she didn't accept it. Instead she handed you a note. She said it's from the lady sitting at the corner table. Her back was facing you so you couldn't see her face. You thanked the waiter and took the note from her. You opened it and it said,

"Whatever you do, DO NOT believe in every word that guy tells you. Look at his ankle. He's not wearing the anklet monitor. That's not Connor."

After you read the note, you looked up to where the lady was sitting but she was gone. Connor then sat in his seat. You "accidentally" dropped your pen to see if he was wearing the ankle monitor. The lady was right. He's not.

"Honey, you're okay?" Jinyoung asked once you sat up. You just nodded your head and stared at Connor. He gave you a slight smile. You're getting creeped out.

You stood up and said, "Let's continue this tomorrow." You started to pack your things really fast. You then left with the boys following slowly behind you, leaving Connor by himself. You took one last look at him and he gave you another smile.

"Hey Y/N wait up!" Shownu yelled out.

You all then got to your car and went in. Everyone's breathing heavily from catching up to you.

"Babe, what's wrong?" Jinyoung asked while catching his breath.

"You guys, there's something wrong. That guy that just sat with us, that's not Connor."

Everyone's confused.

"What are you talking about? It was him." Mark said.

"No, it's not. Well, it was but then Connor didn't come back. It's someone else." You explained. "Some lady gave me a note saying it's not him. I looked at his ankle and he wasn't wearing the ankle monitor."

Shownu's confused. "Wait, so you're saying we came in the cafe with Connor but we left with someone else? How is that possible? They both look the same."

"Unless Connor has a twin." Jinyoung said.

You see the guy leaving the cafe through the rear view mirror. Once he opens his car door,  you hear a scream. You then noticed someone being trapped in the back seat, trying to escape.


Everyone looked towards the car and sees Connor being trapped in the back seat. The van then drove off. You started your car and followed it. Moment later, they seem to notice you were following them so they sped up and drove through the traffic lights recklessly, leaving you at a red stop light.

"Great. We lost them. What are we gonna  do now?" you said.

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