Pervert!❤️Ch 24.

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"Aww your blushing Rin Rin~"he said in a mocking baby voice, how am I not!!going to blush when the guy i still! like lifted my shirt and exposes half of my body!!"S-shut it you pervert!"I shout in defense!.A smirk and giggle's I heard and saw in his face.What?does he know what he's doing?!.

I couldn't think well I felt so dazed~it feels weird and nice when I suddenly snapped out of my la la land when Jason said"your the pervert one here."he said as he chuckled.Im getting angry again Rin calm down...YOU know what screw it!

ill show you who the pervert is here then!."Yeah~im the pervert who wants to kiss you~" i said seductively as i put my shirt back down and leaned forward to get closer to his lips but not kiss them and I stop until I could feel his breath.

Then I open my eyes I saw his shock face and his cheeks turn pink?"ha ha you ask for it"I said as the winner and he stood there in defeat "Rin~If you keep doing that i might fall for you"he said but i just took it as a joke and laughed.

"okay,okay jokester go get me some popcorn I'll put a movie on".After that whole thing I felt happy even if it was a lie about him falling in love with me.. I think-and  so was he when downstairs so get popcorn and pizza that he had leftover from yesterday he told me as he came in the door.

"Here you go princess that's your knew name!"he said as he came with popcorn and pizza"hehe okay!".It was fun hanging out with him like before I thought it would be awkward but no it was like old times.

By the time the movie was about to finish.I was full with junk food and it was getting late!it was about to be 6:00 p.m!i did tell mom but she wanted me by 6:00 p.m ASAP!"oh!!i have to go it's about to be 6:00!!"i told Jason in panic "okay run it princess!"I heard him shout as I was running down there stairs!.

I sprinted it home!.And since i wasn't so far away from his home I made it in time.She would always get mad about me skipping dinner but she wasn't since it was pizza she order so I grabbed a slice and went up my room.

I was trying to come up with a perfect!out fit for the party tomorrow not too!gay but like give a little hint to the gay guys that i was gay because  Jason turn me into one!thinks people will harass me because of my body I can't lose to that bet I just can't!.

I found the perfect outfit with some nice sneakers and nice jeans with a a sweater that suited my shoes because of the color and any shirt since I don't think I will take my sweater off.But the thing was that my jeans were kinda tight and made my butt look bigger than it already was and soooo..

but at that point i didn't really care about the bet all I care about is finding a man!.

- - -
The next day I was so exited and Jason told me in the morning that the party will be at 6:00p p.m so he will come pick me up at 6:15.When I heard the news I called my mom and she said it was 'fine' even if we argue for like 10 minutes and told me to be home by 11:00 p.m or I'm grounded.

school was as usual the girl who I guess likes me asked me if I was gonna go to the party that I guess she was also invited and I said 'I don't think so' so that's a maybe so if she sees me she can't say anything.

Whatever ,as the day went school was over and i speed walk home since Jason had detention for some reason he stayed behind so serve it for an hour.I made it home had dinner early said thanks to my mom and went up stairs to do my homework finish it to get it over with and Jason texted me.

Jason🤫:remember the 'bet' imma win!

I just ignored it and later on I dressed up and he picked me up said bye to my mom like the jockster he,he said "you look sexy to night~"I bursted our laughing "you too"I said but I kinda meant it he looked good and as we chit chat to the way we finally reach our destination and entered the big party!.

Author note:🤪get ready!

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