Ch ❣️30.

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*yawn* dang!i hate morning!!,"did you sleep at all?"Jason said and made me kinda get annoyed.

"Yes,I was just thinking to much."

"Of what?"with a smirk on his face.

"Remember that kid who help down the stairs when I was drunk?I'm meeting him."I blurted

"Really can i come? and when?"

"Don't worry about it ,okay?ill be fine it's just me and him and privacy...but don't get the wrong idea."I said.

And I saw him walk faster and ahead of me"fine"he said in a annoyed tone.Is he jealous or worried I'll be taken?by James?....No I'm overthinking.

- - -

School was pretty normal and I think Jason got over it ,since he helped again in gym and we chit chat and had fun with each other.

"Can i come?"Jason said again this time with puppy eyes.

Dang it!.

"NO"i keep telling him but he won't budge!.

"I'll kiss you if you don't stop talking for a moment!"I said.

But I thought he would stop blabbering but that just made him talk even more!.

And saw that no one was near so I quickly kiss him close by his lips and shut him up!.

I looked pretty bold!,but deep inside I was burning and screaming of joy in what I just did!.

He shut his mouth and I saw him blush"ha ha now shut it !and you can't come!"I said with a smile and a deep blush.

And after I said that, the coach said class is dismiss and that was the last class so  I went to go get my stuff.

- - -
As soon as I step out of the school to leave and meet up with James,I felt someone hold my hand tight!"ow!".

"Where you going?"Jason said.

You BETTER not ask me the same question because it will be a big FAT NO!.

"Meet up with James."i finally blurt out because I was getting annoyed.

"Oh,so that's his name.fine,I'll let you do whatever you want I'll go home first."he said in a grumpy tone and try his hardest not to look piss.

Jealous much?.

And saw him walk off a bit and went my way to the park ,James instructed me.

- - -

"Hi! James!"I shout as I got closer to the bench he was sitting on.He is handsome, I didn't realize it maybe because I was drunk.

"Hi, Rin?"

"Yeah, I'm Rin the one who got drunk and called you Prince Charming."I said and he

"Take a seat"he said and I did.

"So you know about last time I am really sorry an-"James said but I cut him off because I knew he was going to say like a whole speech of apology.

"I know ,and it's fine it's in the past I forgive you ,I want to know you better that why I came."I said and added"and your sexy you know?"

He chuckled and asked me the question i expected"are perhaps?".

"Yep!and you?"

"I'm bi,but mostly like men."he said calmly.

Wow ,I did not expect that answer but I did ask.

"Wow,really ?you look straight as a pole!"I said.

He chuckled again and said"yeah,maybe but I'm actually single right now,and I'm trying to find someone."

"Me too"I said with a smile.

"What a coincidence shall we go on a date?"I just stood frozen...I did not expect that.

I mean he is cute but what he said just made me blush really bad!.

"And your cute"he added.

"Don't joke with me!"I finally said blushing hard!and he laughed at my reaction.

"I'm not, I'm serious your interesting,it doesn't hurt to try."James said with a smile.

I mean I still like Jason but where not dating so this isn't cheating right?

and Jason..he might not even accept me.

And this might me my only chance to date and we seem to get along fine right now.

..should i?.

"Mmm...fine"I blurted.

"But if does not work out we have to be honest with each other!and if you cheat on me I'm going to stalk you and expose you!"i said.

He giggled and smiled he looked really happy..but I kinda feel ,no I should give him a chance.

"Fine by me"James said.

"But this does not mean we're boyfriends were just dat-"

But before I could say more he kissed my cheek and a long kiss in the cheek as I just stood there..frozen and blushing ,but was not unpleasant.

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