beautiful heart pt2 || tzukook

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Tzuyu's POV

It was 4pm and I just got out of work. I then search my sling bag for my keys until I accidentally bumped into someone.

"Sorry," we said in unison. However, the voice sounded very familiar. I didn't bother to look up since I was too busy looking for my keys. Where did I put it?

"Tzuyu?" I switched my attention to the person who called me. "Jungkook?" I asked in disbelief. "Fate" I heard him whisper to himself. "How are you?" He asked. "Meh. The same?" I shrugged my shoulders. Life isn't great to me. "Do you have any plans later? Perhaps we can grab a coffee nearby." He asked with a hopeful look on his face.

I looked at my watch. "Sure." I smiled.

Again, we caught up with each other's lives and learned more about each other. Both our family background are different. I was raised in a not so fortunate family. That's why I'm currently earning to pay for my college. Meanwhile, Jungkook was raised in a super rich family.

Months passed. I was still doing the same thing; earning for college. Everything was still the same except for my feelings for Jungkook. I started to have a really small crush on him. We became a lot closer and we hangout quite often. More often than I hangout with Momo, Sana, Mina and my other friends. We comforted each other when we were in bad mood and we share a whole lot of secrets too, including true darkest ones.

We knew each other's strength and weakness and we've been to each other's houses. I've met his parents before because he forced me to go in to his house and say hi. Other than that, his family is one of a kind. They are very nice and kind-hearted.

It was a public holiday and Jungkook called to hangout. I can't say no to one of my best friend. After some preparations, I went out of the building of my apartment in which I share with Mina. Jungkook was on the driver's seat of his Range Rover.

I opened the door of the passenger seat and greeted him. "Hey. Where are we going today?" I looked at him and smiled. "You'll see."

In just a snap, we were walking side to side in an empty park. I was wearing a sleeveless crop top and a pair of shorts. (Pic in the media) Hanging out at a place like this? Cool. We were silent but it was comforting.

I was startled when he grab my hand and intertwine it. I looked at our intertwine hands and then look up to see his face. To be honest, I felt a tingling feeling in my heart and I was internally screaming. "Urm.." I tried to release from his grip but he wouldn't let me. I saw a bouquet of flowers on the ground some distance away. Jungkook wouldn't stop walking and so I followed him.

"Urm.. What are w-" He cut my sentence. "Tzuyu, I know this is fast and we've just met a few months ago.. in the pub. I was hypnotized by your beauty and so I gathered up courage to talk to you. You comforted me when I'm down, you supported me and you told me that you will be there for me as my best friend no matter what happen." He took a deep breath before continuing.

"When you said you will be there as my best friend, it actually stabbed me directly on my heart. Did I just got friend zoned?" He laughed nervously. "Here, on a special day like this." He then squatted to get the bouquet of roses on the ground and handed it to me. "I'd like to ask you to be my girlfriend."

I was controlling my emotions. It've been a long time since anyone showed their affection to me. My dad passed away when I was younger while my mother left the world the day after I graduated from high school.

My tears flow as Jungkook kneeled while holding my hand. "I know how hard your life is without your parents at such a young age. I promise to let you lean on my shoulders when you need it and support you in anything you do. Will you be my girlfriend?" He looked at my nervously.

I wiped my tears and looked at him. I nodded and smiled. Happiness was seen all over his face. He got up immediately and hugged me tightly. I almost stumbled at the impact but he supported me.

He then moved closer to my face as we both shared a chaste kiss. It was sweet and memorable as it was my first kiss.

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