Chapter One

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((Warning!! Abuse))

"Oliver! Get over here! Now!," George growled as he stood in front of a large puddle of tea that was spilled on his floor. Oliver rushed in to see what the problem was.
"What the hell is this?!," George pointed at the puddle.

"Oh dear! I forgot to clean this up! I am so sorry sir," Oliver looked down and suddenly felt a large hand slap him in the face. He knew he deserved it but damn, that hurt really bad. The boy felt tears pricking in his eyes as he was screamed at about how it probably left a stain and that he would now need new carpet for his room.
"I GET IT!!," Oliver screamed, then quickly covered his mouth. He was greeted with an even harder smack to the face.

"Go to the basement, you are not to come up until I say so," George glared and watched the boy sob and run out of the room. He felt bad for doing this but that's the way his parents had treated him so he thought that it was okay, he did notice how easy it was to make Oliver break though. George was slightly taken back when Oliver yelled at him, and he was angry as well. The basement was just to scare him though, he would only have him down there for an hour or two before he would need him again.


          Oliver ran to George and handed him a envelope.

"It's a letter, sir, I'm not sure who it is from but I believe it is from a friend in america," Oliver looked at George and giggled some as his face lit up.

"America?! Oh you know how much I love America!," George quickly took the letter and sat on his sofa. He patted the seat next to him and Oliver was quick to sit down. The king wrapped an arm around Oliver and grinned.
"Read it to me boy," He handed him the letter again.


"I am not marrying that lady and that is finale!," The king stomped his foot and glared at Oliver who was writing down everything he was saying.

"W-would you like m-me to send it, sir?," Oliver was shaking, he looked like he was going to have a panic attack. The king noticed and sighed, this was common with Oliver.

"Ollie, put the stuff down, take a deep breath, I'm not yelling at you," George took the pen and paper and sat them down.
"Sit with me, I am not going to hurt you," The king talked calmly, he had a soft side, no one but Oliver had really seen it though. George opened his arms and Oliver ran over and hugged him, the boy started crying. He hated being yelled at, especially by the king, it was humiliating. When someone was yelled at in the castle, it felt like the whole town could hear what was happening.

         After about thirty minutes, Oliver had fallen asleep with the king running a hand through his hair.


"Wh-where am I?," Oliver sits up in a bed, not sure who's bed it is though. He looks over and lets out a girly scream. The king quickly sits up from the bed and looked around confused. It was around three in the morning, Oliver had not gotten up since he fell asleep so the king decided that it would not be that weird if they slept in the same bed.

"W-what? What happened?," The king ran a hand through his hair which was now a curly mess.

"I'm sorry sir! I-I need to get home, oh god," Oliver whined and curled himself into a ball. The king looked over at him and picked him up making him squeak. George yanwed and laid back down, covered them with a blanket, then went back to sleep holding Oliver close. The boy eventually got used to this and just enjoyed the warmth which helped him fall asleep.


"Sir! They are insisting on you marrying her though!," One of the soldiers was holding another letter for   the king. Oliver was still asleep, George decided to let him sleep in, which he never does, for anyone.

"I told you, I don't care what they say!! I am not in love with her!," The king slammed his fist down onto his throne.
"I will never love that woman! Or any woman for that matter!!," George growled, everyone in the room was now staring at him. Had he just come out to them? He felt his face heat up with embarrassment.
"EVERYONE IN HERE LEAVE THIS INSTANT, BRING IN MY PAGE BOY," The king looked very angry. Oliver was actually standing in the room already, he had no idea what he had done this time except for sleeping in late. Once everyone was out of the room, Oliver walked up to the king.

"Y-yes sir?," Oliver already had a pen and paper. The king took a deep breath before taking the pen and paper and setting them aside. He then picked up Oliver and set him in his lap.
"Sir, what a-are you doing?," Oliver squirmed some and whined. Suddenly, there was something pushed against his lips. His eyes shot open but he slowly adjusted himself and kissed back. He was 23 and this was his first kiss. It was quick but sweet, he had no idea if it actually meant anything or if it was just in the heat of the moment.

"That is exactly why I wont marry the lady," The king held Oliver close. The boy was still just sitting there is a daze like state. He was a blushing mess.

"S-sir, uhm... I enjoyed that?," Oliver leaned against the king and smiled some.

"As did I Ollie, but if we keep this up, we would need to keep it a secret," George ran a hand through Oliver's hair. The boy smiled and nodded some, he enjoyed being this close to the king.

"Does that mean that I could sleep in your bed again?," Oliver looked hopeful. George sighed and nodded.

"I suppose so, as long as we lock the door before we go to bed," George smiled some and kissed the top of Oliver's head.

"This is going to be great!,"

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