The Meeting

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The Prince's both wake up early to get ready for their meet. They're told to dress extremely proper and well. Their stylists help them and finally they're sent to where the meeting is being held at.

Seok: I bet u look cute
Yoon: stop we cant be talking rn..
Seok: tsk ok sorry see u soon♡♡

Hoseok arrives first.

"Ah Hoseok, how does it feel?"
"How does what feel?"
"Well you're meeting the Prince of Achelois son of course. Are you okay right now? You can't show hate towards him though, it'll make our reputation worse with these idiots."

Hoseok clenched his jaw. He knows his father doesn't like them.

"Well I don't dislike him."
"Oh really?"
"Yes father."
"Well do you like him?"
"N-no! Agh! Just stop.. why do you hate them. It's been years since you guys fought.  You both should stop dwelling on the past and try to make peace with with each other. I'm done with us being enemies!- s-sorry.."
"Well then. Why won't YOU change it with the new king when you're crowned."
"I will."

Hoseok snapped back at his father. Service lead them into the palace and seated them as they waited for Yoongi.

"Yoongi I hope you show so much hate towards them. They're a disgrace  they're disgusting and happy. You shouldn't see such horrible things."
"How is it horrible..?"
"It just is! Why you want to be happy like them?! Well you can't. Grow up and become a real man like me."

Yoongi finally arrived and went into the palace where Hoseok was. Yoongi tried not to smile at his cute boyfriend. Hoseok lit up as he saw Yoongi walk through the door. Yoongi sits down right beside Hoseok. It stayed silent. Hoseok took Yoongi's hand under the table and caressed it softly.

"This is my son, Jung Hoseok  Prince of Artemis."
"Hm, of course I can see the similarities in you two. This is my son, Min Yoongi, Prince of Achelois."
"Hmph. What is this copy and paste?"

What was the point of meeting when they're going to fight?

"Hello sir, you can call me Hoseok for short! Nice to meet you."

Hoseok says as he shakes the other King's hand.

"A pleasure to meet you."

Yoongi bows to Hoseok's father. Both kings look at each other in confusion.

"You may sit down young man, there's a feast coming for us."

The Prince's have small talk and wait for the food. When it comes everyone dines in. It wasn't too bad, no one was arguing so far.. hopefully they don't. Hoseok smiles and Yoongi. They wanted to have so much skinship but they couldn't. At least not in front of their parents.

"Can I show Yoongi to the bathroom? Oh I mean Prince Min Yoongi, I apologize!"
"Hm, yes but come right back."

Once in the hallway away from their parents sight  they both hugged each other.

"I wanted to do that when I came in and saw you"
"Me too~"

Hoseok gently grabs Yoongi's face to look at him. He pulls him closer and closer to him.

"I love you Yoongi~"

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