~Chapter 4~

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When we got to my house, I didn't feel like getting out of Nick's convertible because it was so comfortable. It was also comforting to be in Nick's presence.

"Um, do you want me to come in?" He hesitated while asking. I knew that both my parents were working but I knew that my brother was home. I knew that as long as Matt was home, he'd make sure nothing happened to me. I still doubt that Nick is a murderer though.

"Sure why not? You can meet my brother!" Nick seemed a bit surprised that I had a brother.

"Younger or older?" He wasn't making a move for the door yet so I just sat back and relaxed.

"Older, he's 17; a year older than me and a year younger than you." I really hoped that they would get along.

Without any response, Nick got out of the car. I lead the way to the door. This morning I totally forgot my key to the house on my desk so I had to ring the doorbell. I kept ringing it until Matt came to the door. He swung the door open and looked at me like I was crazy.

"Ever heard of patience?" His dark hair was a bit tousled and he was wearing dark jeans with an old band t-shirt.

"Yeah, but your little sister just got robbed at gun point. Ever heard of being nice?" The look on his face was priceless. He was so shocked; I assumed that he didn't hear the sirens blaring down the street.

"Babe, who's at the door?" A female voice was heard. I definitely knew that was not my mom but I didn't think that Matt had a girlfriend. Why had I not known about this?

I heard light footsteps coming down the stairs. Nick and I were still standing outside of the door and we were shifting awkwardly, not knowing what to expect.

A petite blonde poked her head around the door. She was the same girl I saw Nick talking to, who is his ex. I tried not to leave my mouth hanging open too long. Nick put his arm around my waist as if he needed to show her that I was his.

"Why are you guys just standing there? Mattie, let them in!" Her voice wasn't very high and she seemed real nice. I never knew that Matt let people call him Mattie since an embarrassing trip to the zoo with his friends. Mom kept calling him Mattie and poor Matt got teased for the rest of the trip.

Matt opened the door wider so we could step in. I saw that the girl was wearing skinny jeans with a vintage top and her hair was in a French fishtail braid. She was actually really pretty but I couldn't help remembering her and Nick at the park.

Matt cleared his throat. "Jessie, this is Chloe. Chloe, this is my sister Jessie." He seemed a bit embarrassed that he had to introduce his girlfriend.

"Jessie, that's such a pretty name! It suits you well." She had such a kind smile; I had to mentally forgive her.

"It’s nice to meet you Chloe." It was really weird shaking hands with a teenager. I was used to shaking hands with my parents' friends.

"Nick, this is my brother Matt. Matt this is, um, Nick." I had no clue of what to say Nick was. Matt was looking at me skeptically but luckily he didn't say a word. Nick was pretty much frozen in place. The only thing that had changed was that he was holding my hand.

I could feel the butterflies fluttering around in my stomach. My cheeks were also getting warm. Good thing Chloe chose that moment to start talking.

"I really love your house! I was just going to fix myself some lunch. Would you guys like anything?" Wait, she was going to make some lunch? How many times has this girl visited my house without me knowing? Why hadn't Matt told me about her? Wasn't she just getting over a break-up yesterday?

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