Bach's Coffee

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How did the coffee taste for you, Sir Bach?

In seventeen-and-thirty-four, was it

The same as now, or sweeter then indeed?

Just as you say, süße, I'm sure you're right.


But must I wonder? Yes I must: How now

Might Timmy's be when in compare to yours

Or maybe if St. Starbuck were compared

We'd know how well evolved our coffee were.


And while you stroke the chord on harpsichord again

And while your fingers tingle with caffeine

And while I listen here on MP3

And sip from my beloved cup o' joe...


Ah, but it's just our own addiction that

Would matter to us any time at all

And so comparing's not a thing we'll do

Because our loyalty's our habit, that is all.


ok it's a stretch to classify this as a request, but I felt like it.  Thanks @CottonJones for this inspiration:

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