Chapter 3- Last visit

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Lucy smiled at her new scar free cheek in her pink bedside mirror that Gru had bought her.
It had been a month since Strider had kidnapped her and caused her serious physical and emotional damage.
Throughout the time that she had been in hospital, Gru had bought her almost anything that you could think of, books, clothes, slippers, hair stuff, a light pink mirror, magazines, chocolate, lollies, flowers and even a pink and blue teddy with her name on it. But Lucy's favourite things that Gru had bought her was a silk blue night dress with puffed sleeves and a frilly skirt and a fluffy pink bathrobe. Lucy saw Gru, the girls and the things they got her as a distraction to her mindset and pain, so that was an upside about being isolated in hospital.

But of course there where many downsides about being isolated in hospital. She had to have stitches on her cheek which hurt a lot, she had to take painkillers and antibiotics every four hours, she had to have a series of blood tests and injections, going to the toilet was a struggle, the food was gross and she had to lie next to a really irritating heart monitor that wouldn't shut up.

Lucy lay back in the bed and rubbed her sore arm where she had had a blood test that morning. Lucy naturally didn't like blood tests (because who does?) but she wasn't scared of them at all, in her eyes there where more scary things in life, particularly at the moment.
Jake and company still hadn't got back to them so Gru had called the AVL search party to look for them but so far, no avail.

But there could be some news as Gru and the girls where meant to be coming for one last visit, after lunch before Lucy could finally go home again.

Lucy was so excited to go home, sleep in her own bed, wear more than just a nightdress and most importantly, being able to see Gru and the girls more than once a day.

Just then, Gru walked in. He had a smile on his face, a gift under his arm and three girls tagging along behind him.

"Hey sweetheart, how are yoo feeling?" He asked, perching on a chair next to her bed and taking her hand.

"Much better, thanks. I'm so excited to go home again!" Lucy gabbled, grinning.

"When are you coming home, mummy?" Agnes asked.

"Hopefully tonight, angel"

"You can't call me that! That's your middle name!" Agnes exclaimed.

Lucy chuckled at the innocent little girl beside her bed. She then noticed Margo glued to her phone.

"Hey, Margo" She called.

The girl looked up from her device and smiled, apologetically at her mum.

"Hi, Lucy. Sorry I was talking to Avery." Margo said, stuffing her phone into her jacket pocket.

"It's alright, honey"

Lucy then drew her attention to Edith, who looked anxiously back at her.

"Hi Edith, are you alright?" Asked Lucy, holding out her arms to her.

Edith felt tears in her eyes as she nodded at Lucy. For the last month, since her mum's kidnapping had occurred, Edith had been getting progressively nervous and would even refuse to get up for school some mornings. She was worried that Lucy could be really sick and that she was just hiding it with fake smiles and giggles. She was worried that more damage had happened to Lucy than the doctors had realized and that she would need to go into hospital again. But most of all she had just really missed her.

Edith ran into her mum's arms and tried to blink back tears.

"I've been really worried about you" She wailed

"Hey, hey, hey, it's ok. Sweetie, I'm alright. I'm coming home soon! Yay!"

Gru decided to step in and put a comforting arm around Edith.

"Eet's going to be alright, keeten." He soothed, rubbing Edith's back.

"Is Edith ok?" Asked Agnes, cuddling up to Margo.

"I think that she might need a little alone time with mum and dad. Come on, let's go." Margo instructed, taking her little sister by the hand. "We'll be right back, ok?"

"Ok." Gru whispered, still comforting Edith, who was now in hysterics.

About ten minutes passed before Edith had properly calmed down. Gru and Lucy had seen Margo and Agnes cry like that before, mostly over petty things like: "He broke up with me!" or "My unicorn toy is broken!" but they had never seen Edith do something like that. Maybe Edith only cried over big things.

"Edith, honey, could yoo join yoor seesters while Lucy and I have a quick chat?" Asked Gru.

"S...sure" Edith mumbled, wiping her remaining tears away.

"Bye, bye Edith, I'll see you later. Love you." Lucy called.

"Love you too, mum. I'm sorry for crying."

"Don't be sorry, baby. I've been crying this week, too." Lucy said, kissing Edith on the cheek.

When Edith stepped outside, to find her sisters, Lucy and Gru instantly began talking.

"Poor, little Edith." Lucy said "all three of them must be really worried right now."

"They are. They've started to ask complex questions." Gru replied.

"What do you mean by complex?" Asked Lucy, leaning back a bit.

"Like: "Where's Uncle Dru?" "Why was mummy taken?" "Why is mummy sick?" All dat stuff."

Lucy looked down at the pale sheets, covering her body and sighed.

"I am so worried about the Dru and the others. What if something's happened to them?" She cried

"I know, so am I. I don't understand why they've suddenly disappeared like dat. Valerie sent search parties out a while ago and still nothing!"

Lucy bit her lip and took her husband's hand, leaning towards him as close as she could.

"Maybe, when I've completely healed, we should take matters into our own hands" Lucy suggested, but then regretted. If it was something to do with Strider, she was sure to get kidnapped again, or even worse, Gru or the girls would get kidnapped too.

"We'll see. I just don't want yoo getting hurt again" Gru sighed "I don't think dat I could go through that much fear of loosing you, again."

Lucy nodded, understanding greatly. It was awful enough having to suffer torture and patronizing from a truly wicked villain but to know that Gru was suffering too, just would've made it worse.

"We'll decide what to do when I come home, ok?"

"Yeah." Gru muttered, stroking his wife's hand "Oh, I got you this."

Gru passed her a small parcel, wrapped in blue and silver striped wrapping paper. Lucy unwrapped it to find a tiny cardboard box, that had been scribbled on with coloured pens. She opened the box to find a homemade necklace made out of wooden and plastic, coloured beads.

"It's beautiful." Lucy breathed.

"Margo, Edith and Agnes made eet, clearly."

Lucy smiled at her husband. Gru leant down and gave her a kiss on the fringe, making Lucy giggle, before kissing him on the nose.

"See you later, honey" Gru said, backing towards the door.

"Bye, honey bear." Lucy called back.

The door shut and Lucy leaned back, grinning. The girls always had a way of making her happy.

Hey guys, sorry the chapter was short but I've got to go out. I'll try and upload another one later. Sorry for my absence btw, let's just say it was the Easter Holidays, a hospital trip happened and I came home and got poorly with a sick bug (yay), so yeah, that's why I haven't been writing. I also have so many fanfics to compleate and so many internet projects to do, plus school GCSE stuff. Soz I'm making my life sound awful when it isn't lol.

Anyway, hopeful that the next chapter will be uploaded soon and also my new Kim Possible fanfic will be too. Until then, bye!

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