Chapter 4- Home again

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Chapter 4

The door opened and Gru and Lucy emerged. Lucy was so excited to be back in her cosy house again, but most importantly with her husband and girls again.

"Yoo ok, honey?" Gru asked, eyeing his wife.

"Yes! I'm just really excited to be back! But also quite nervous, I guess." Lucy replied

"Why?" Gru asked.

"Because, there is so much going on! Jake, Dru and Stan are nowhere to be found and Valarie isn't doing much about it, I'm having terrible nightmares and mental issues, your worried about me so that's making you stressed and the girls don't understand what's going on!" Lucy snapped.

Gru didn't reply, he just put his arms around her and held her close. He understood where his wife was coming from, it was really nerve racking at the moment, but there wasn't a thing that they could do, until Lucy was completely better.

Strider walked into his new lair and grimaced. It was currently very dirty and it looked and smelt like it hadn't been touched in years.

"This place is disgusting! Oh well, at least I have my little team to help me sort it out." Strider said, before looking at Dru "well, what are you waiting for? Get cleaning!"

"Awwwwww man!" Dru moaned, as Strider handed him a broom, cleaning liquid and a mop. As he started to clean, he kept noticing bugs and spiders in every corner of the lair and freaked out.

"Ewwwwwwwwww! Heeeeeellllpppp!" He cried.

"Man, even when he's evil, he still acts like a dweeb." Strider said, rolling his eyes.

"What do you want me to do, sir?" Asked Jake.

"Look for an area that I could put a dungeon, sharp! As for you, Stan, I want you to help me plan the decorating. And after we're finished, we can put my plan into action!"

"MY plan, you mean!" Jake yelled.

"Alright YOUR plan if you want to get technical!" Strider moaned.

Lucy and Gru where sat on the sofa. They had just put the girls to bed and where watching some Police show that was on.

Gru noticed that Lucy had her head on his lap, she was not moving, she was silent and her eyes where bolted forward. He lay a hand on her head, making her sit up.

"Are yoo ok?" He asked, stroking her long, let down hair, out of her eyes.

"Yeah. I'm ok. I was just thinking about my hair." Lucy replied, running her fingers through her ginger, silky waterfall.

"Vhat about it? Eet's perfect."

"Hm. I've been thinking about getting it cut, it's always in my face and I'm kinda sick of having to scrape it back into a bun and then curl it every day." Lucy admitted.

"Really? I thought dat yoo liked buns? Yoo said dat they where your favourite hairstyle, apart from plaits and braids."

"They are but, with hair like mine, I just find them so hard to do, not to mention that with hair this length, it takes forever. I'll still put it up in a bun when is short too, but it'll just take less time." Lucy explained.

"Well, vhat length do you want eet?" Gru asked.

"I'd say, just past my shoulders."

"I'd like that." Gru smiled, pulling Lucy in for a hug.

Lucy let out a giggle as Gru accidently tickled her. Gru put on an evil smile.

"Ticklish, are we?" He asked, already knowing the answer from past experiences.

"What? Pfft, no!" Lucy said, playing along.

"We'll see about dat." Gru replied, lunging for his wife and tickled her sides.

"Heyyy! Stttopppp iiiitttt! Haheha!" Lucy giggled and screamed, thrashing.

Lucy then got her own back, when she reached forward and tickled Gru's sides.

"Hhheeeeyyy! Mhahahah! Not fair!" Gru chuckled.

Gru and Lucy smiled, as they sat up and caught their breath.

"I love you, honey bear." Lucy muttered, kissing Gru's cheek.

"Love you too, sweetie." Gru replied.

Lucy smiled as she fell asleep beside Gru on the sofa.

The next rolled around quickly. Lucy and Gru woke up to one of the minions, dashing into the room.

"Pem polo Jake, Dru yee Stan's orayah!" The minion cried.

"What's the little guy, saying Gru?" Lucy asked, she had to admit that she was awful at minionese, despite taking lessons with Dr Nefario for months, trying to get it right.

"I think dat he's saying dat he's found Dru, Stan and Jake!" Gru shouted excitedly, leaping up from the sofa.

"Oh my gosh!" Lucy cried "where are they little guy?"

"Een Strider's daga lairinthe... ukesub." The minion replied.

"Strider!" Gru and Lucy both screamed.

"He must've kidnapped them! We need to save them!" Lucy said.

"No! Not until yoo get better!" Gru argued.

Lucy sighed, they needed to save their friends, but how? With her in a state, it deemed impossible.

A long while had gone past and the lair look spectacular. It was clean, tidy, painted silver and it had a functional dungeon.

Dru, Jake and Stan had built the dungeon together, with no help from Strider, despite it being a very hard struggle.

The only thing that Strider had done, as the boys had been rushing around doing his work, was read interior design magazines.

"Well done! Well done indeed! Now, onto the plan. The next stop is The Gru residence, to kidnap Gru!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2018 ⏰

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