This Morning

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I don't want to let you go
I woke up this morning with a familiar weight seated on my chest
And and ache in my throat
It's the same kind I told you about once
When I began to take down my walls for you
So you could see the battle wounds another had left not too long ago
So you could see how I was surrounded in the rubble of myself
I told you how the core of me still cared despite the bruising
And I held out the pieces of my broken bird heart to you with cupped hands
I thought you understood
I thought you'd taken a look at me in the rubble of myself and help to put me back together
For a time you began to
The unseen bruises nearly faded completely
Most of the rubble replaced and renewed
My broken bird heart beginning to take wing again as I went to place it in your hands
Only to find you'd left
With a force great enough to leave me as I was before you
Surrounded in the rubble of myself

I woke up this morning with the weight of it all on my chest
And I still don't want to let you go

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