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As soon as Asahi's taloned claws reached one of the spire's upper balconies, he began shifting back. Makaela and Amora were launched from his back. The former fell to her feet while the other managed to stay upright.

Makaela wheezed as she tried to get up. Her muscles wailed in distress. They begged her to stay down and take a long nap. But her nap would have to wait. Their mission wasn't complete yet.

Gritting her teeth, she used the wall to help pull herself up. Her knees buckled and her legs shook, but she managed to keep from falling again. At her side, Asahi struggled to breathe. His black hair stuck to his wet face. He could barely hold himself up.

"You alright?" she asked him between breaths.

He nodded even though his body was visibly shaking. "Yep...never better." Panting, he tried rising to his feet but his arms collapsed from beneath him. "Just...give me a minute." He sighed and took a few deep breaths, his chest rising and falling rapidly.

I need several minutes myself.

She had never tapped stayed in her Nightling form for that long. While the powers it granted her were amazing, it sapped her vitalae and energy faster than any spell could. If she didn't constantly consume blood or flesh while in that form, things would end badly for her.

Whenever she asked Emile why other Nightlings could stay in their demonic form longer than she could, he always told her it was because she was only half. While she possessed the powers of a Nightling, she didn't share all of their qualities. Those who were pureblooded could go days without feeding and be fine.

That was why she preferred to stay herself. It was too dangerous to shift. Not only did it put those around her in danger, but it also put herself in danger. She shook her head and muttered, ''I'm not doing that again."

Amora placed her hands on her hips and glared at her two tired companions. "Hurry up, you two. We don't have all day."

Asahi snorted. "You try being a dragon for half an hour, holding up two girls, and trying not to get killed by a massive sea serpent."

"Or becoming a blood-craving demon that drains your energy faster than the speed of light," Makaela added.

"Whatever," Amora grumbled. "Stop rubbing your cool abilities in my face and get up."

Asahi stood up and rolled his eyes. "Don't tell me what to do." He took a step forward and then stopped. His face tensed.

Makaela arched an eyebrow at him. "What? Are you alright?"

He gulped and shook his head before pointing a shaking finger behind her. "We've got company." She and Amora turned around.

Heavy footsteps clambered up the stairwell leading to their platform. Makaela made out the outline of a few shiny helmets and sharp weapons making their way to them.

"The guards." Amora cursed.

An explosion rocked the lower levels of the spire. Shouting and blasts of magic hitting the tower could be heard below. The Shades and Asahi's housemates must've been fighting the guards down there.

That left them alone to handle the ones coming.

"We need to get to the top," Amora instructed. "That's where the control room is."

Looking up, Makaela realized there were a few more platforms for them to clear. Her legs, which felt like gelatin at the moment, nearly cried at the thought of walking up some stairs.

"In the name of Aegi and Lord Sirus, head of House Aegeon, I command you to surrender!" a voice in front of them yelled. The guards emerged from the stairs, their vayrirs pointed at the trio of young magicians on the other end of the floor.

The Ocean Siege | Vol.2, The Eldenarian Artifacts ✓Where stories live. Discover now