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Thorian had brought them to the meeting room of his most loyal subjects. While there were about two hundred Shades in the Order of the Black Lotus, only twelve of them actually saw their master on a regular basis. They were known collectively as the Twelve Knights; each one was a fantastic magician in their own specialized field. For example, Emile Djourou—Thorian's second in command—was gifted in strategy while Zoë was a skilled archer.

There were only eleven knights now. Makaela had killed Ulrich, the twelfth one. His face forced its way into her mind as she ventured deeper into the shadowy room.

It was a large chamber with rounded walls and high ceilings. Golden-framed portraits of the previous leaders of House Tenebris decorated the black bricks. Their dark eyes seemed to follow her with every step she took. A long, black table with enchanted engravings was placed in the center of the room. Thirteen chairs were placed around it; one at the end and six on each side.

All were occupied except for two.

One was for Yuri, who had been removed from the team due to her repeated failures. The other was for Ulrich, whom she murdered.

Makaela frowned at his seat. Thorian gestured for her to take it. She did so begrudgingly. It felt like some cruel joke for her to take the place of the man she murdered. Ulrich was no saint, but that didn't make what she did to him right.

She could faintly taste his blood in her mouth again. Part of her craved it, while the other part condemned herself for even thinking about it. She silently chastised herself and glared at the table in front of her.

The thought of eating people and drinking their blood revolted her. But when she underwent her transformation, it was the only thing she could think about. The Nightling within her desired it more than anything in the world.

So far, she had gone a few days without killing anything. She feared that streak would end soon, though. The demon was getting stronger and more impatient with each passing day. Eventually, it would overcome her if she did satisfy its needs.

At the head of the table, Thorian took his seat. His Shades—including Amora—donned their black robes. Their silver masks laid by their hands. Makaela felt out of place—in more ways than one.

She wasn't a Shade. Not yet, at least. She also wasn't like them, no matter how many times they tried convincing her. They were murderers. Traitors. Heathens. She wasn't like them in the slightest.

To Thorian's right sat Emile. Out of all the other Shades, he was Makaela's favorite. He was surprisingly nice and well-spoken. He was the only one besides Thorian who tried making her feel welcome in their hellish fortress.

He cleared his throat and faced his master. "My lord, what have you called this meeting for?"

"Earlier today, I received word of the whereabouts of Sebastian and his group," Thorian said. Makaela's heart skipped a beat. "They are attempting to travel to Thania in order to warn Sirus Lombardi of our plans. We cannot allow this to happen."

"Where are they currently?" Emile asked.

"The same town where we left them."

Makaela pulled at her fingers and kept her head down. While Thorian had promised to spare her friends, he did say that if they continued to interfere with his goals, he would be forced to kill them. If what was reported to him was true, he would without a doubt be sending men in to take care of them.

She couldn't let that happen.

"How do we know the Brynjirs haven't already notified Sirus?" she asked.

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