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Sebastian was tired of walking.

It was well into the night. The moon hung in the sky, looking down on the band of travelers navigating the dark forests of Thania. Luka headed the group, his silky, golden hair sticking out in the darkness. Ajax, Olivier, and Remy filled in behind the man. They had peeled off their outerwear, save for their undershirts, even though the sun had set hours ago.

Sebastian hadn't expected the island to be as humid as it was. Sweat poured from his face as he trailed behind Imogen, who was constantly grumbling about how her feet ached.

"How much longer?" she whined.

"We're almost there," Luka said from in front of them.

Imogen tripped over a shrub and cursed. "You said that an hour ago."

"And he's gonna keep saying it if you keep asking him," Sebastian grumbled. The girl shot him a dirty look before continuing forward.

However, Luka hadn't been lying this time. They were close. In fact, the gates of the city were just a few feet ahead of them.

A sandstone wall spanning across what seemed like hundreds of miles greeted them. Blue flags hung from the tops. In the distance, Sebastian could see towers stretching up from Towers were built into the corners and centers of the massive barrier. An opening split the center of the wall and two guards stood on either side with silver tridents in their gloved hands.

Sebastian groaned upon seeing the pair of watchmen bristle at their arrival.

Considering Luka was sort of a criminal, he had no idea how they were going to be let inside. It didn't help that he was a Thauvin himself. Similarly to House Brynjir, the Aegeons didn't like his family too much.

Then again, no one really did.

His father gained his respect through fear, not love. So far, it seemed to be working for him. But Sebastian knew it wouldn't last. That was the difference between them. Even if the man did accomplish his goal, there would always be someone to rise against him; because he ruled with fear, not love. That fear incited challengers. Challengers incited conflict. Conflict incited catastrophe.

As Sebastian and the others got closer to the gate, one of the guards took a threatening step forward. They pointed their weapon at the group. Their tense features were barely visible from the helmet covering most of their face.

"Stop where you are!" they barked.

Luka motioned for the rest of the group to hang back. Grinning, he glanced at them over his shoulder. "I got this." Sebastian shot him an unconvinced look.

"Good evening, gents," the blond wine merchant drawled. "Would you mind letting us through? We've been walking for hours and we'd really like to get out of this forest before we get eaten alive."

Sebastian narrowed his eyes at the guards, who hadn't acknowledged Luka's request. In fact, they hadn't even moved. The one in front of the man kept his three-pronged spear pointed at Luka's chest.

"State your name and business," they ordered, their voice gruff and callous.

"Luka di Marina. Wine merchant. Maybe you've heard of me?"

The guard scowled. "Oh, yeah, we've heard of you. You've got some nerve showing up here."

Luka smiled weakly and held his hands up. "I totally agree with you. Which is why you'd ought to believe me when I tell you this is an emergency and you have to let us in."

"And why would we do that?"

He frowned. "Er..."

At Sebastian's side, he felt someone tugging at the hem of his shirt. Turning his head, he arched an eyebrow at Imogen. "What?"

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