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It didn't take long for Thania to transform into a war zone.

The scene reminded Makaela of the old Fantasy movies she watched with her uncle and cousin on movie night.

She took in the sights around her as she and her two companions made their way to the palace. They moved stealthily, careful not to cross paths with any guards or soldiers in the area. While they weren't afraid of a fight, they wanted to save up their vitalae for their future confrontation with Sirus Lombardi.

Makaela could already feel her energy waning—magical and physical. But unlike her fellow magicians, rest wasn't the only way she could restore her power. All she needed was blood or flesh and she'd be good as new.

She didn't want to feed. But not because she didn't like doing it. Before, she detested the idea of taking another life in such a savage way, but now she knew it was something she just had to do. The killing part wasn't what frightened her. She feared if her inner demon got too strong, she wouldn't be able to take control back. Once it fully took the reins, almost nothing could stop it. She'd been doing a good job of keeping control, but she knew that would only last for so long.

It was better to not risk it.

"This was a beautiful city," Emile said. His stoic face was tinged with sadness. "What a shame."

Makaela agreed.

A good chunk of the city's buildings had been destroyed by the trio of dragons Asahi and House Doragon brought with them. Their talons would scrape across rooftops, sending broken tiles down to the ground like sharpened knives. Fire elementals were marching through the streets and setting fire to anything in sight.

That hadn't been the plan, but House Doragon were known to get carried away during battles. They were true arsonists and pyromaniacs.

"They'll rebuild after my father finishes his quest," Amora said flippantly.

On the next block over, a dark green dragon careened through the sky before shooting a strong stream of fire down onto a frightened battalion of Aegeon magicians. In return, they threw their vayrirs and shot bolts of magic at the flying beast. They managed to pierce its tough hide and tear massive holes through its wings. Pain-filled roars rippled through the city blocks as the dragon nosedived into a clocktower.

The building collapsed onto the beast and onto surrounding structures. The collision shook the ground harder than any earthquake.

Makaela grimaced at the sight. There were only two dragons left in the battle.

She wondered how long their hold on the city would last if they lost another. Since penetrating the shield charm that had been surrounding House Aegeon's portal, the Order of the Black Lotus had secured the southern portions of Thania. They were pushing into the north, but from the sounds of it, the Aegeon soldiers were putting up a fight.

However, the soldiers were being forced backward. Their numbers were waning, and the Shades were growing stronger. The tide was turning in their favor. Soon, the soldiers would fall to the Order.

Despite the prospect of victory, Makaela couldn't help but feel sorry for the deaths of those in the city—especially those who weren't fighting. The mission was to take Sirus' gauntlet, not kill their fellow magicians.

But Thorian didn't care about the casualties—not at the moment, at least. To him, those who fell in the crossfire were necessary sacrifices to a greater cause. That's what he would tell her. And she would believe it wholeheartedly.

She sighed. The soles of her feet were beginning to throb. "How much farther?"

"Suck it up," Amora told her, rolling her eyes.

The Ocean Siege | Vol.2, The Eldenarian Artifacts ✓Where stories live. Discover now