Chapter 1

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The room was very vast and the walls of the room were painted dark violet, with soft artistic baby pink leaves floating down from a silver tree, all painted beautifully on the walls. The room had two side doors, presumably leading to a bathroom and a closet. The eastern wall was made up of glass and right now curtained with dark violet velvet curtains, blocking all the light from entering the bedroom. The other three walls had various art pieces and chest of drawers stacked over or against them. The floor was carpeted with the softest carpet you could find.

The bed was placed in the centre of the western wall of the room and sheathed in sheets of violet satin and a beautifully floral comforter. The whole room was obviously feminine but wasn't over bearing to the eye. It was quite pleasant and elegant to look at even.

An alarm blared on one of the dressers beside the bed and a soft, feminine hand exited the blanketed lump on the bed and made away towards the clock, before hitting it unsuccessfully to shut it off. It failed and the alarm kept on blaring loudly, probably waking up the whole mansion, except the one it was intended for. Finally losing the patience with the clock, the hand picked it up and hurled it away towards the opposite wall to stop it from ringing.

The alarm clock clashed with the wall and fell down on the floor, in a heaped surprise. It would have blinked stupidly at the sheer audacity of the occupant of the bed, if it was a living thing, but as it was not alive (luckily for it), it settled with it's continuous and loud ringing.

"Arggghhh!" The occupant of the bed growled, as it finally removed the blanket from over it and got up, sittinh on her knees and glaring at the offensive clock which was still blaring. "Shut up! Shut up! Just do me a favor and shut up!" She shouted at the alarm clock, which for its credit was persistently going on even though it's whole structure was mangled.

She was beautiful with her unblemished skin and straight long nose. Her eyes were brown and her hair dark brown. They reached just above her waist and were styled in a feather cut. The girl growled again and muttered something that sounded offensive, but bit her lips in anger as the clock continued it's dramatic whining. "I hope you know, that I hate you!" The girl shouted at the alarm clock as she got off the bed and walked towards it.

"I am sure it understands." An amused voice answered her. She leisurely picked up the alarm clock and turned it off, before turning towards the newly arrived person slowly. She watched her cousin brother/best friend standing at the door, leaning on the doorway before turning and moving towards the dustbin. His eyebrows were raised and a slight smirk played on his lips. His hair falling on his forehead was being swiped back again and again by his hand. "Poor Clock." He added almost pityingly as his eyes followed the object's descent into the dustbin. He imagined it flailing for help and screaming as it went down. Shaking his head to clear off the weird image, he turned towards his cousin, who was now facing him with hands clasped tightly on her chest and a frown etched on her forehead.

"You?" She dramatically breathed. He chuckled in amusement before nodding in mock seriousness.

"Me!" He replied, "What's your point?"

"To what reason do I owe the pleasure of seeing your face first thing in the morning?" She asked, indicating clearly that it was anything but pleasure.

"Aren't you a ball of sunshine today- nope- everyday? Miss Grouchy?" He asked in response. "By the way... The reason I came here was to ask you to shut off that offensive clock and let others sleep. You know you never get up due to ringing clocks. Why do you even make the show of setting it beside your bedside? It's just a waste of perfectly fine alarm clocks! You should just set the alarm on your phone and be done with it." He tried to make her see logic, even after knowing perfectly well that she would let all that pass above her head and continue to do what she pleases.

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