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Two hundred and fifty years earlier...

The whole village was charred to the core, with fire still burning somewhere or the other, trying to destroy the last of the village and razing it to the ground. What once stood as a lively and bustling village was now an open grave with screams and cries ringing all over the place. It sent shivers down everyone's spines, when they witnessed something so brutal.

The cause for this was not world war (add any number), nor was it due to any mafia or any cruel monarchs. No... It was simply due to the bargaining on vegetables on the sale monday, by two people of two different communities, the Kawai' and the Niwayaths. The bargaining escalated to such an extent that the members of both the communities rushed to help their fellow members and an all out fight broke out between the two, resulting in the razed village, affecting even the members who actually didn't belong to either communities.

It was sad, really! But who could have guessed that bargaining could effect something so drastically? In fact, it was the reason that a whole village was wiped out. Many families lost their loved ones and many people lost their whole families. Houses were burnt, livestock escaped and the properties were destroyed, all because two people decided that they needed to buy a certain vegetable, more than the other.

The next day dawned on the village, like a soothing balm. The authorities arrived on the scene. The authorities were two families, the Rasans, which were a ruling family of the Niwayaths and the Furaats, which were a ruling family of the Kawai'. Both of the families were well respected and cherished. They were a ruling force and the opposition in the country of Naia (Just below the monarchy, which was actually not stronger than them but still weren't supposed to be crossed... ever!), alternatively.

The other noble families were strong too but weren't as important as these two. The Naia could boast about these two families with arrogance, because they were like the gems on a crown. They were well bestowed in money and talents. Also, they had raised military forces (Separate ones), that could rival the military forces raised by almost everyone else in the country put together. Their names shone like stars on the dark nights and made them instant celebrities in the countries.

The authorities watched the destruction of the village and sighed mournfully. It was something that humanity in their souls abhorred and they wished that this bloodshed was immediately stopped. Their mind was all boggled and anguished at the suffering they witnessed as they walked in the village, which had once been beautiful, but now was charred to beyond recognition, all in the name of community wars.

The Rasans and the Furaats had their respective heads, Rawwad and Nehan. Rawwad was in his early sixties, while Nehan was in his late forties. They both were strict and had a common love for peace (which was surprising as their respective communities always engaged in skirmishes due to silly reasons). They coughed delicately, with an air of nobility and looked around till everyone calmed down. They were accompanied by the most influential members of their families, the representative from the royalty in the form of the eighth Prince, Zhaviar Mazaan and the wise ones from the mountains, who descended from their abode only on the request of Royalty and if they deemed the situation for which they were called as actually worthy enough. Apart from these there were also a handful members of other noble families.

Wooden benches were placed in a loose circle and a high seat was placed at one point of the loose circle, for the Prince, who looked like he had swallowed a lemon, when he watched his surroundings. The rest of the people occupied the other seats. Coincidentally, the Rasans and the Furaats occupied the seats opposite to each other, while they attempted to set the other ablaze with their gazes. There was no love lost between these two families. If they could they would have wiped the others' existence without a single thought, but they couldn't.

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