Chapter 2

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Adiva nimbly jumped from the short wall and landed soundlessly on the pavement. She rolled towards cover the moment she landed and hid behind the bushes growing at the edge of the adjacent wall. She waited for her companions to land too and when they joined her, she shushed them, effectively ending their muttered complaints. She lifted her head and watched their surroundings keenly for any disturbance they might have caused and then sighed in relief, when she spied none.

Before them stood an eight floored, pearly white building. It was surrounded by sprawling gardens, which was neat and kempt. The wall surrounding the building and the gardens was atleast eight feet high. This was the Naian High School Dorms, for the boys.

Their target was a group of five high school seniors, who luckily for them (And unluckily for the boys), occupied the ground floor of the building. The boys had really pissed Adiva by bullying her shy friend, who was a tad bit on the heavier side. She had not complained anything about that but Adiva had seen her pale face, which looked as if she had been horror stricken and scarred. She had then questioned about it to the others and had been told that it was all due to some boys who thought they were really cool. And that brought her in the boys dorms, along with her unwilling companions.

She had taken three days to plan and amongst that today she had utilised for getting supplies. It was a Saturday and a holiday. Tomorrow was Sunday and the start of the new week in her school. Tomorrow was also the day, her friend was going to be avenged. She would make sure of that. She smirked.

Yamin and Sinan gulped watching her smirk evilly as she watched the tall building. They were in all black with masks covering their faces. Sinan carried a small backpack on his shoulders. They didn't want to join Adiva on the 'Mission Revenge', as she called it. It sounded kiddish and if they were found out, they would not only be in trouble but also would be slinging mud on the prestigious name of the Rasans. But Adiva aways had a plan B for such situations.

"What would you have done if we had refused to come along with you?" Yamin asked Adiva curiously. Adiva shrugged.

"I would have come anyways." Adiva simply answered. Yamin narrowed his eyes.

"That was your supposed plan B? To come anyways?" Yamin asked her unbelievably.

"As if this plan requires more than one person. I could have done it alone too if I tried." Adiva answered. Yamin shook his head at her easy attitude.

"If we get caught -" Sinan began but was interrupted by Adiva.

"Which we won't." Adiva said. Sinan frowned.

"But just say, if we did-"

"Then every man for his own self." Adiva interrupted once more. Sinan and Yamin turned towards her in a flash and narrowed their eyes at her dangerously. She shrugged and exited the bush, rushing towards the building and then she flattened herself against the wall, as she began to slowly make way towards the ground floor window, which opened inside the bathroom of the boys. Behind her, her companions shook their heads and reluctantly followed her.

"I can't believe I am doing this with you guys. I am your elder brother and I am supposed to keep you in check. But here I am..." Sinan helplessly shook his head. "If anyone got to know about this, we are gonna land in loads of trouble."

"Chill!" Adiva hissed. "Live a little. You have reached the age of twenty one and haven't done one thing to boast about. You will regret it in your old age."

"Yeah right!" Sinan scoffed. "As if roaming around with a pair of high schoolers, helping them get revenge from a bunch of high schoolers, is something I would want to boast about."

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