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Doodili-do, running out of ideas
Doodili-do, not sure what I'm doing
Doodili-do, now here's the art!

Doodili-do, running out of ideasDoodili-do, not sure what I'm doingDoodili-do, now here's the art!

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This one I wanted to finish but never did. I'm just proud how the taller dragons head came out.

 I'm just proud how the taller dragons head came out

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A dragon with a mohawk. Don't give me that look, it looks good.

This one was fun to draw! Though it was a bit annoying with the angling and positioning-but hey, it came out good

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This one was fun to draw! Though it was a bit annoying with the angling and positioning-but hey, it came out good.

This one was fun to draw! Though it was a bit annoying with the angling and positioning-but hey, it came out good

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This one was just originally a test, but now its one of my favorites!

BTW, I changed my background because its sucked and didn't really fit me. So I mooched X)

Title: Distant Honor
Game: Dishonoured
Artist: MoS

Crazy Art by Me-Artbook #1-2018!Where stories live. Discover now