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So, AuraThePoociolu  asked if I could do a tutorial of how I draw dragons. Which is bad, because I'm horrible at them.
Anyways, here it is:

Anyways, here it is:

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1. So, I start with the three circles; the largest for the chest, smallest for the head. And while I do that I draw the lines for everything else. And the muzzle.
Just play around with it until it looks good.


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2. Then when you have the desired sketch, thicken up the lines for the base.

 Then when you have the desired sketch, thicken up the lines for the base

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3. Then add in some details, like: horns, thicken up the muscles, the blocks for the feet.

 Then add in some details, like: horns, thicken up the muscles, the blocks for the feet

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4. And now just add in the desired detail. I was kinda tired at this moment, so it's eh.

So, that's it.
Really bad right?
Yeah, I might stop trying soon.

Title: Turning Tables
Artist: Adel

Crazy Art by Me-Artbook #1-2018!Where stories live. Discover now