3.: From now on

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Your first answer was a definite 'no'. This was not your world, you were a normal girl with normal dreams and goals, and fighting terrifying monsters was definitely not one of them. Giving up your current life scared you, especially since you had just spent the last years building it up again.

But then you thought back to your mother's death and to your helplessness during the attack. It didn't sit right with you. If there was one thing you loathed, it was being weak, sitting back passively and letting others save you. You were a person who wanted to take action. So, after a lot of time considering your options - though you didn't even know what the other option was - you gave Titus your positive reply.

"Yes", you said. "If there is something I can do, I want to."

"Excellent", he answered, obviously pleased by your answer. "Sonya will give you some clothes to wear for the time being, then she'll guide you to Lieutenant Leonis' office, he'll explain everything you need to know."

You nodded and followed Sonya, the secretary, out of the room, through countless corridors again. If you were going to stay here, you would for sure get lost countless of times, sadly your sense of direction was not much better than that of a toast.

After a while, she stopped shortly and gestured you to follow her into a small chamber. In there, she handed you some underwear, a simple shirt and trousers, as well as some shoes.

"If they don't fit, live with it, you'll get a uniform soon anyway."

Your dislike for that secretary grew, you just hoped you wouldn't have to see her often. Once you had changed - the clothes fit more or less, thank god - she lead the way again.

"Here you are." She came to a halt in front of a door equipped with a sign saying 'Lt. Cor Leonis'. Then she left, not seeming to care a lot about you.

Timidly, you knocked on the door, then entered. This office looked similar to one you had just been in, though there were no medical instrument or machines. Instead, a couch was placed opposite the desk. The person you thought had to be Cor Leonis didn't sit behind the desk but opposite of the couch, with a lot of paper work in front of him. Opposite of him, the biggest person you had ever seen was seated on the couch. He was composed of nothing but huge muscles and didn't look too friendly either.

"You must be (y/n)", Cor said as you entered. He gestured you to the empty space next to the huge, scary man. "Please sit down."

"Hello", you greeted both of them, then sat down. Who was the other guy? This question was soon answered, as the lieutenant began explaining.

"Grant Cortes, (y/n) (l/n), you two agreed to becoming a part of the Glaive. Please know, that it won't be an easy time for you, nobody can promise your survival. You will leave your old lives behind. Also, there will not be much of a compensation. You two, however, are going to play a vital role in protecting humanity and saving the world. From now on, you are going to live in this strongpoint and be granted every possible comfort."

"How big ist this strongpoint exactly?", you asked.

"It is comparable to a very small town. We have shops, bars, different restaurants and even a gym. It is important that you leave this place as little as possible, which is why we try to offer everything you need to continue your life here, since you are going to risk it from now on."

So it was true. Just like you had guessed, you would never be able to return to your old life. You would never see your father and your friends again. A painful sting went through your heart. Had you made the wrong decision, after all?

"Then, we are really going to fight Skotáds?", Grant, who had stayed silent up until now, asked.

"Yes, you are. You are the only ones who can. "

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