Noisy Linsey (25)

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The sound of a noisy comedy show sounds in front of me. A little bit of weight of my shoulder. I sleepily open my eyes and look around, the bright tv in front of me makes me cringe. What time is it? I look at the weight of my shoulder seeing Ryan's head. A small smile forms as my heart melts. I look to my left and see Linsey cuddled up to Other Ryan. Cuteee~ I look over at the clock to check the time. 4:32 am. Geez. I sigh and lean my head on Ryan's. The noise of the tv made me cringe. Wish I had the stupid remote. Ryan shuffles so I act like I'm asleep. I believe he stretches then he slowly removes his head off my shoulder. He wraps his left arm around me leaning me to him. I try my hardest not to smile or blush. He leans his head on mine then sighs. It then goes so quiet all I hear is his breaths and his heartbeat. So peaceful... even with the tv. My eyes get heavy as I go to sleep.

A few hours later
I slowly stretch as I feel no weight on me. I look to my right and see Ryan asleep with his head on the back of the couch. I look to the left and see Other Ryan asleep too. Where's Linsey? I look around then get up. All of a sudden I hear...

"HEY OPEN THE CRAPPING DOOR!!" Someone obviously Linsey yells. I turn to my front door then open it.
"Geez.." She says as she walks in with bags in her hand.

"Uh Linsey, Ryan, and Other Ryan are asleep!" I whisper yell.

"Not anymore" Someone mumbles. Me and Linsey look over at the couch. Other Ryan and Ryan are looking at us as they rub their eyes sleepily. I look back at Linsey. She shrinks her shoulders with a dumbfounded look.

"whoopsies" she mumbles with some nervous laughter. Suddenly Linsey releases the bag making a huge bang sound. She then grabs my arms dragging me back to my room. She closes the door then locks it. She gives me a huggggeeeee smirk. "So~ how was your sleep last night?" She questions. Oh, crap does she know.

"Um good?" I say.

"You sure?" She says as she continues smirking.

"Uh-h y-yeah?" I stutter. She suddenly laughs.

"I KNEW IT!! YOU LIAR!!" She yells. I quickly cover her mouth.

"Geez Linsey be quiet! Sheesh," I say as she pulls away from my hand. She smirks in her victory then walks out marching. I shake my head at her. Geez, Linsey, you're weird. But a good weird. I walk out and back into the living room. Linsey has her bags on my counter in the kitchen as I see the bags have cooking supplies in them. Oh yeah, I forgot Linsey can cook.

Gonna finish this later, but thank you for the reads! :) Sorry it's so short. Trying to get my crap together buh bye!

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