Chapter 13~

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*Anna POV*

"The sunset is beautiful." I say to Kian.

"Yeah...and so are you" he smiles at me.

I blush "Thanks but-"

Kian cutting me off "Anna you are beautiful. Don't deny it! Your beautiful and nice in every way! You can't be doubtful about it. I know your sister hurt me ,and we're best friends! You've gotta lighten up! You helped me get over her and back to myself. So, thank you!"

"That's what friends are for..." I say to Kian.

"Then your one of the bestest friends I've ever had!" Kian smiles as big as he can. Then he gives me a huge hug.

I feel his touch electrifying, sweet, gentle, and loving. Wait snap out of it Anna! You can't date your sisters ex!

"Your the bestest friend I've ever had!" I hug back tight.

Me & the others (including Kian) go back home, but instead of me going to my home I ask if I could stay at the O2L house tonight. They guys were ok with it so I hung there for the night. Me & Kian played Mario Kart all night. Then, I hung it on the couch texting him. Kian asked me if I could hang with him in his room. I said "ok" and walked upstairs to his room. I sat on his bed while he was on his computer. We played 20 questions till it was about 1AM. Kian asked if I could stay in his room. So, I slept on a mattress on the floor. It was about 2:30AM when we finally fell asleep after watching 3 episodes of "Orange is the New Black"

The next morning

I woke up to a huge shake of the mattress I was sleeping on. Kian had fell off his bed onto the mattress I was sleeping on. He didn't wake up so, I sat up and stared thinking "how did he not wake up?," I went back to sleep but since Kian took my mattress I stole his bed. Might as well anyways, it's 6AM anyways. I didn't want to wake him since, I remember Sam telling me about the last time he tried to wake up Kian. I shivered that was the scariest story Sam has told me about Kian. He could've been over exaggerating, but I'm not taking my chances.


I woke up on the mattress Anna was sleeping on last night, and she was sleeping in my bed. I don't know what happened, but I don't wanna wake her up. Awwwww how cute is she when she's sleeping. I stared at her for a while until, she woke up and somehow noticed.

"Hey beautiful." I say smiling.

"Stealing Sam's catchphrase huh?" She said with her groggy morning voice.

"Maybe... So what happened last night after we watched 'Orange is the New Black?' " I asked confusingly.

"I woke up to you falling off your bed and onto the mattress I was sleeping on. So, I went to sleep in your bed. It's only fair. Plus it was 6AM, and I didn't want to wake you." She told me.

"Oh I'm sorry..." I said feeling bad.

"It's ok it's not like you know what your doing while your sleeping." She says with a little giggle.

Her laugh, it's just so cute... Snap out of it Kian! You can't date your ex's sister! Right?

"Hahaa your right." I agreed

"Yeah so, what do we do now?" she asked.

"I'm not sure... Would you like something to eat?" me asking just because I'm hungry. Hopefully she is too.

"Yeah, sure" she said in a cute morning voice.

We walk downstairs to the kitchen getting some food. She grabbed a pack of bacon and started frying it on the stove.

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