Chapter 19

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<Next Day>

/Kian POV\

I woke up first to Anna kicking me in the leg. Awww that's cute. And painful but cute. I feel Anna shivering so, I bring her closer to me. I felt her forehead and it was burning hot. She must have a fever. I should wake her up and get some Motrin for her. So, I get up, and get the Motrin with a little cup full of water.

Then, I shake her a little. She didn't wake up so, I left her alone. I want to kiss her so bad because that's what she does to try to wake me up. But if I kiss her the fever might transfer to me. And when I get sick it's like hell. I decided to let her sleep and leave the Motrin by the side so when she wakes up she can take it. I try calling out her name.


"Yeah?" She says in a cute morning voice.

"You have a fever love."

"Ugh so that's why my head hurts like hell and I'm cold. No I'm hot. No cold. No hot." She says flipping the covers on and off.

"There's Motrin on the bed stand it will help your fever."

"Thank you love."

"Do you want anything?"

"Actually I would like some chicken soup if you can heat that up. Whenever I'm sick my mom heats me up a bowl of chicken soup. I'd love that. Please."

"Of course my dear. Your soup will be here momentarily."

"Thank you Kian."

"No problem be back a couple."

/Anna POV\

Ugh I hate being sick. That means no kisses from Kian. I don't want him to get sick. Him getting sick isn't a good thing. Then I hear his phone ringing.

Another call from Andrea. Ugh. He won't mind if I answer.

"Hey Kian!"

"Hey Andrea this is Anna."

"Oh where's Kian?"

"He's making me some soup. I just woke up with a fever."

"Ohhh I hope you feel better. I'm sorry. So I guess we're gonna have to reschedule coming to visit me in Australia. Don't we?"

"Yeah sorry about that. This fever just popped out of nowhere."

"It's no big deal. I hope you feel better. I will talk to you soon. Love you sis. Bye."

"Bye." And I hang up.

"Hey love I got some soup."

"Thanks Kian. Andrea just called you I answered and told her I was sick so we're gonna have to 'reschedule' visiting her." Putting the air quotes around reschedule.

"Oh wow she really wants you to visit."

"Yeah... She's been acting weird."

"I guess but eat your soup! The sooner you get better the sooner I get to kiss you."

I smile and laugh. "Hopefully!"

<a couple hours later>

So my fever is gone. So, that's a good sign. Kian has been at my side all day. He's so sweet. But since I don't want Kian to get sick. I'm gonna have to wait 24 hours till I can kiss him. You know that stupid doctor thing wait 24 hours until you can go back to school. Blah blah blah. Yeah that shit is actually true. I got a fever in the middle of a school week and was sent to school before 24 hours after it went away. Yeah... My 3 friends got a fever the next day. So... Ummm yeah.

"Kian I'm bored."

"Well we could... I have no idea."

"Wow that's such a help."

"Well it's hard to think of things to do when your girlfriend is sick, and doesn't want to get anyone else sick."

"Then why don't you go out and do something with the guys?"

"Because your sick and I don't want you to be alone."

"Your so sweet I love you."

"I love you." And he blows me a kiss and I blow one back.

<the next day>

I wake up in bed and Kian is on his laptop.

"Good morning" I say in my ugly morning voice.

"Morning" And he kisses me on the cheek. "You feeling better?"

"Yeah much." I kiss his cheek.

"Do you want to go to the beach?"

"Yeah! I would love to! Being cooped up in here yesterday was so boring!"

"Ok! We're leaving at 12 Sam & Kenzie are coming too!"

"Oh okay. Who's Kenzie?"

"Sam's new girlfriend."

"Awwww Sammy got a girlfriend!"

"Yeah finally!" He starts laughing.

"Well I'm gonna go pick out which bikini I'm gonna wear."

"Do you think you could wear the Blue one with an ombré look?"

"Why is that your favorite?"


"Fine for you my love." I smirk.

"Yes!" He says excited.

I roll my eyes. Then changed into my blue ombré bikini. That I match with white cover up shorts and a muscle tee that says "I'm not secretly in love with Kian Lawley" yeah... Kian got me this shirt. Lol XD. I came out of the closet, and saw Kian in his blue bathing suit with a big smile on his face.

"Your wearing it!"

"Of course who wouldn't want to know that I, Anna Dayfona is not secretly in love with Kian Lawley." I say walking over to my shoe shelf organizer. Taking out my flip flops for later.

It's only 11 so, I laid on the bed upside down and Kian was laying on the floor.

Seeing how flexible I am, I kiss him while still laying on the bed upside down. Like in the movies. It was still fireworks.

{Author's Note}

Okay so I'm on my iPad writing this so, it may be longer or short...? Hopefully not too long not too short. But yeah you got to see how loving and caring Kian is while Anna is stuck with a fever. Then in the next chapter you get to see them hanging at the beach! Yayyyy! Well I will post soon! Umm it's really late right now. It's 1:20 AM and I might have a few spelling errors sorry! I was trying to go through them in the last chapter. And I forgot my charger at home. I'm actually in a hotel... And going to the beach! Later today! And my phone is at 3% ugh I hate forgetting my charger. But I will update soon! This chapter may be a little pointless. Well I am writing this at 1 AM just blame it on me. Well goodnight for me and I will see you soon! Byeeee.

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peace<3 love✌️

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