Chapter 5

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"Kookie... Gomawo, if it wasn't for you, our schoolmates and your squad won't probably stop insulting and mocking me all the time." Lisa said as she and Jungkook walked together on the streets of Seoul to buy groceries for the next day.

"Well that's nothing, since you're trying to help me win IU, that was me paying my debt off." Jungkook said

Jungkook isn't a bad guy after all..Lisa thought.

"Yah, Noona.. Buy me fish cakes jebal." Jungkook childishly spoke to Lisa making her laugh loudly.

"Yah you look aweful trying to pull of an aegyo Kookie yah." Lisa kept on laughing.


"You worked hard pulling that off though, fine, dongsaeng, I'll buy you fishcakes."

"Yes! Thanks Noona!!"

Lisa chuckled at Jungkook's hilarious moment.

They then went to buy fishcakes and Jungkook had finished around 30 sticks.

"Wow dongsaeng! You're such a great eater! I can't buy groceries anymore!" Lisa pouted as she looked at her wallet.

"Mianhe noona." Jungkook pouted like a child.

"Aigoo this kiddo."

As they entered the grocery mall, Jungkook started to demand on what he needs making Lisa get annoyed

Noona can you buy me this one?

Noona buy me that one.

This, this and that pretzels over there, noona please?

When Lisa and Jungkook went out of the grocery store, Lisa immediately smacked Jungkook in the head.

"Jungkook.. Because of you my wallet is empty! Aishh!" Lisa gritted her teeth angrily.

"Wow, now you're complaining, didn't we had a deal that you're my noona and I'm your dongsaeng? Therefore a noona should help her dongsaeng fulfill her needs." Jungkook smirked casually.

"Yeah but does it really have to be like this? Me buying everything for you? As a noona, I need to stop spoiling you from now on."

"As a dongsaeng, I haven't even complained that I'm going to get trained, tsk."

"Alright fine.. It's a deal, since I bought you and spoiled you with everything you wanted today.. Then tomorrow, you need to comply to the training tasks well okay?"

"Okay Noona."

Lisa rolled her eyes.

At Hoseok's house...
After placing all the groceries on their proper places..

Lisa went to her room and removed her jacket,

She instantly dived unto her bed feeling exhausted, she then looked at the ceiling

That jerk.. Who does he think I am? His personal financier? Ugh! I thought he was good but he's really really evil deep inside! Aigoo jinja! But.. I have to make him pay for it tomorrow.. Ha! I'll make him suffer and then I'd finally get my revenge on him!...Lisa thought.

The next morning...

Jungkook woke up as he felt his face being rinsed up with water,

"Yah! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" He instantly sat up as he found out that Lisa was shoving water on his face through a hose.

"Wake up sleepy head, your training starts now." Lisa smirked.

"How dare y-.."Jungkook's mouth was shut off by Lisa's index finger

"Nuh uh uh.. You can't talk back to me like that.. I'm your noona remember?" Lisa said

"Hoseok! Help me!" Jungkook called for help.

"Oh dear.. Hoseok's not here today, it's only the two of us, and a deal is a deal okay?"

"Alright fine!" Jungkook sighed in defeat.

Flashforward >>>

Jungkook started doing all of the training tasks.. From washing the dishes, sweeping the floor, cooking for lunch up to dinner, do gardening, and doing the laundry.

While he was sweeping...

"You missed a spot!" Lisa pointed on a dirt on the floor.

"Ugh!" Jungkook groaned in exhaustion.

As he was washing the dishes...

"Your plates still smell of detergent.. Eek!" Lisa pulled off a disgusted face

Jungkook gritted his teeth as he tried to rinse again the plates.

As he was cooking, he was afraid of the oil splashing unto his skin....

"Be brave dongsaeng" Lisa pushed him nearer the stove

He flinched in pain as the oil stung on his arm's skin.

As he was doing gardening...

"Yah, dig up the soil more deeper." Lisa scolded him.

He then tried to dig more deeper with his calloused hands.

As he was doing laundry..

"Do it more fast Kookie." Lisa ordered him

"I'm trying in here." He said as he tried washing the clothes as faster as he could.

Flashforward >>>

Jungkook tilted his head sideways as he felt his neck crack a little bit.

He then looked at his now reddish hands, and he was now smelly of sweat.

"I'm tired" He complained

"You can't complain Jungkook, remember you're doing this for IU." Lisa smirked as she left him.

I don't wanna do this anymore..I'm such a pabo for starting this deal in the first place....Jungkook thought as he exhaustedly dived unto the couch.

                | end of Chapter |

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