Chapter 7

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At School...

Jungkook was laughing together with his BTS squad, they were busy chichatting.

But then, Jungkook's attention suddenly diverted when he saw Lisa who happened to pass by them.

"Guys, gotta catch up later!" Jungkook suddenly left his squad as he started following Lisa instead.

He stopped by behind the wall and he saw Lisa talking to a guy.

He then narrowed his eyes

Who the hell is that?...He thought.

"Hey Bammie!" Lisa instantly tackled Bambam with her tight hug.

"Yah Babe! I miss you!!" Bambam told her.

Babe? Is she dating him?...Jungkook thought.

Jungkook didn't know why he somewhat feel like something or someone was stolen from him.

He clenched his fists and eventually left.

At the cafeteria...
Jungkook was busily eating with his squad when..

"Look.. Jungkookie, isn't that your noona?" Nam Joon pointed Lisa walking together with Bambam.

They were both happily eating ice cream together.

"I don't care." Jungkook unconsiously muttered

"Did you two fought?" Taehyung asked

Jungkook realized that he said it out loud.

Seriously, what's wrong with me? Why am I so angry when she's with someone else...Jungkook thought.

Just then..IU passed by, she smiled at Jungkook and Jungkook smiled back at her.

"Yah.. Did you already win IU's heart?" Jin asked

"No.. The truth is.. I don't know, I think my feelings for her suddenly changed." Jungkook replied bluntly.

"Wow, are you serious Kookie? You mean, you don't like her anymore?" Jimin asked


"Is it because of your noona? Are you getting too attached to her?" Nam Joon teased him. Then they all laughed at him.

Jungkook just smiled.

Yes, it could probably be because of noona...Jungkook thought to himself.

Flashforward >>>

"Annyeong Kookie yah." Lisa greeted Jungkook as she entered his room

(Note: she still needs to pass by Jungkook's room to be able to go to her room, since they have adjoined bedrooms)

Jungkook placed down the comics he was reading as he looked at Lisa enter her room.

"Where have you been?" Jungkook asked as he followed Lisa towards her room

"Oh.. With a date." Lisa answered dreamily.

"A Date?? Wow.. You were suppose to focus on training me and then there you are, going on your stupid dates." Jungkook's face turned sour.

"Yah.. What's your problem? Can't a girl spend some good time? And besides, today is our break day right?"

"Yeah but still.."

"Look dongsaeng.. Instead of blabbering here and there about my date.. Why not start training me with relay race running? It's gonna be the day after tomorrow. Jebalyoo??" Lisa pleaded with her cute voice while emphasizing the word 'jebalyoo'.

What Jungkook did next made Lisa get flabbergasted.

He leaned forward towards her and held her waist , their faces were now inches from each other.

"Train you?" Jungkook smirked

"Y-Yah.. Why are you like this?.." Lisa tried to pry off Jungkook's hands from her waist.

But instead Jungkook gripped her waist tighter.

"Alright, I'll train you, on one condition.. "


"Call me Oppa for the whole day tomorrow while I train you." Jungkook said

Lisa then instantly pushed him away.

"Excuse me? Call you oppa? Tsk... What kind of nonsense are you trying to pull off?"

"Alright fine..It's quite simple, if you don't agree to my condition.. I won't train you at all."

"Why do you have to give me another condition when it wasn't even part of the deal?!"

"I was the one who started the deal, therefore I could add any conditions I want."

"Alright." She sighed in annoyance and defeat.

"Alright what?" Jungkook smiled devilishly.

"Alright... Oppa." Lisa said as she turned away and walked out in surrender.

Jungkook then smiled widely as he laid down on his bed.

Tonight is the best night ever...Jungkook thought.

                      | end of Chapter |

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