Chapter 4

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"Right, okay" Jared smiled, stood up and leaned to give a kiss on Dan's cheek. "Good night, sweetums, and see you tomorrow. Missing you already."

He and smirking Aldo bumped their fists as good bye while deeply flustered Dan again couldn't get even a good night back out loud, and when Jared was gone, Aldo sat down on his place.

"So" he said suggestively. "Well, well, well. I sure like this burning red-faced Dan these days. You two are getting along just fine, I see. So, what did you want to talk about?"

"H-huh? You said you have something to talk about" Dan noted.

"Yeah, about what you need to. I see something's bothering your mind, bro, like right now so talk to me."

Dan looked down on his lap, fiddling his linked fingers again nervously. While taking a deep breath, he reminded himself he could ask his brother anything and trust him with everything. This was included in everything.

"Well, okay. I have a question, a wonderment really. How does one know about being in love or feel love...or something?"

"Aww, remembering you're in love with your hubby, are we?" Aldo nudged his shoulder grinning.

"Stop calling him that, and I was just asking. How did I know then?"

"I unfortunately wasn't around then, but you later told me you first found him attractive" Aldo leaned back on the chair and crossed his arms in thought. "Then you thought you loved him, freaked out and searched from the internet how to know if you're in love. You're so cute, bro. You wrote in diary, he found it and about you loving him and he loved you back so you got together quite quickly after you found out you're in love. And he -"

"And he had liked me since the start, yeah" Dan muttered.

"Loved. It's really a great love story. Maybe simple, some twits might say...but nonetheless great and special."

"You really are okay with him and me" Dan chuckled awkwardly. "I'm so going to make you tell absolutely everything about your love life. How come you don't have anybody?"

"Well, um, there's just been too much going on for relationships" Aldo remarked, quietly.

Dan studied him for few seconds. "You mean me. I was so much trouble -"

"No, it wasn't...just you" Aldo muttered interrupting and shook his head to cool his mind. "There was a lot, some of it you know already. But things are better now, maybe I can start accepting my many requests from girls again some day."

"Many, huh? I've missed two years of our lives but you're still as full of yourself" Dan joked laughing, really wanting to kick his brother which made him serious again. "I miss my legs, I need to walk and go out and stuff. I hate this."

"I know, and I'm sorry this all happened to you. But you'll get them back, soon. For now you just have to take the most of us pampering you and being your legs. I want to do that but I also need to let your...Jared help too."

"I really need to find out how I feel about him, and how to be a boyfriend."

"You're doing surprisingly well, accepting yourself being gay and with Jared. And let him teach you again how to be his sweetums."

"Well, I don't really have another choice, and don't want to have either. I want things go back to as they were, we were good again before...this, right? And I hope the some day you have a girlfriend is soon."

"You do?" Aldo wondered and Dan nodded with a smile. "Wow, okay. Hey, eat that soup now before it's all cold."

Dan placed the tray on his lap, then took the spoon thoughtfully and looked at the ring on his left hand's ring finger. "He's so nice, great really, and seems to like me for real. If this ring doesn't prove it, what does? It's weird still but two males shouldn't be too big of a deal. Love is love, and it's not like I had any certain picture of that anyway. I want to think I love him."

"Uh no, don't just want to think that. You do love him, but find out about what love is, then how you feel and give yourself time. You'll remember, for real as well."


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"What's wrong?" Dan asked nervously, eyeing the lady his boyfriend was glaring at who went to pick a cold drink bottle.

"That's Wilder's older sister, and because of him, ducky's pissed at the whole family" Ze explained amused, although she was on Jared's side and agreed with him, at least mostly.

"And Wilder is..."

"The monster, devil, snake, or whatever evil asshole who almost killed you, the reason why you're here" Jared clarified angrily.

"Oh" Dan muttered, of course remembering that story told to him, but there were so many new names. He didn't know what to really think of that, maybe because he hadn't met yet this Wilder and the two others, but for sure he hadn't any warm or expectant feelings to meet them either.

"I swear if she comes near you..." Jared almost growled, when Wilder's sister Dawn noticed the trio and walked to them.


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"So you're saying, I should go see him here?" Jared put the glass down on the table after almost a minute's silence between the trio.

"You should" Dan said quietly, and regretted opening his mouth as soon as both of them turned their intense eyes at him.

Dan did trust them, but at the moment he was nervous and more or less overwhelmed around Jared. He was like one of the big guys Dan would try avoid in school, not wanting to make him and his mates crossed.

"What?" both Ze and Jared asked at the same time, making Dan squirm in his seat.


"No, no, no, no" Ze shook her head furiously. "Not nothing, dear. You said he should go, right? Listen, ducky, listen to your boyfriend at least if my speech wasn't enough!"

Jared softened his gaze apologetically, noticing Dan's nervousness. "Why are you saying I should go see him of all people? You clearly don't remember what they did to us."

"But you both have told me and I believe all that absurdity. I don't exactly like the idea, but how that Wilder is now sounds quite bad too. You were close friends after all, you should go and see what he wants. Try help him when you can."

"Okay, fine" Jared chuckled giving up, although Dan detected a good amount of nerves in his voice and whole expression. "Fine, I'll go. You're too kind to people, I say. It's good to see you're still, or were pretty much the same sweetums I know."

"Are you okay? Will it be alright?" Dan asked concerned, and Jared nodded with a gentle smile that made him blush. "Should I come with you?"

"Ow, oh no" Ze muttered for herself under her breath amused, as Jared's glare returned.

"Not one of those three are coming anywhere near you except over my dead body, and this time literally" Jared declared sternly, and slowly for emphasis. "When we're done here, I'm taking you to your room and then go by myself. Ze's with you that time."

Ze leaned over the armrest to speak quietly to Dan. "He's still a good guy, no need to worry or be scared, but I think this is a good time for you and me to retreat in this case. It'll be okay, dear. I'll just finish my salad, then we can go to the safe haven and send this soldier alone to the battle."  


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