Chapter 50

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Her greyish but still more brown hair was in a neat bun on the back of her head and she had the outward appearance on her by make up and clothes and handbag that she was rich. She was petite short, around 5'3, so the man with her looked a giant compared to her with his good built and tall height at over 6'. He had darker brown, almost black hair so most likely coloured and it was short and slightly curly, just like Dan and Aldo's father.

"Aldo and Dan, yeah" Aldo nodded. He was not prepared to this. The man looked too much like dad, Aldo was getting emotional too quickly.

"I'm Francine Diarmid, call me straight away Francine, and this is my son...and well, your uncle Evron" Mrs. Diarmid said, shaking their hands.

"He wasn't mentioned in your letter or email" Aldo said.

"It's a story on its own I thought we would tell you in person, I hope it's alright he came with me" Francine said, looking up and down both of her grandsons.

"Yeah, yeah, it's just a surprise" Aldo said and gave a nervous laugh, after looking next to him that Dan was still good. So far, the visitors were alright. "Hopefully a good one, we're very glad to finally meet you."


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"Some of us have been here from the start and some have come during our stay here" Aldo said, and then the others introduced themselves to Francine and Evron and vice versa.

Last but not least it came to Jared, who had come to sit next to Dan's wheelchair on the couch armrest.

"I'm Jared, Trina and Liron's son and Dan's -" Jared said but was cut off before telling he was Dan's boyfriend.

"Friend, he's my good friend too" Dan said in a hurry, surprising even himself but he had panicked and not ready to tell he had a boyfriend, not knowing how Francine was. Why he wasn't ready in this case, he didn't know and he had just blurted that out. His face flushed as everybody's heads turned to him questioningly and shocked, no less Jared's.

"You look like you work out, do you go to a gym?" Evron asked. "I'm sorry, I mean I'd like to know a good gym around here, even if we're here only for a week."

"He's obsessed with gym and sports, much like your father" Francine said, amused.

"Yeah, I go to one of the biggest gyms in the city, the nearest to our school and here" Jared said, with a smile.

"He also works there as a personal trainer, so he can show around there" Dan said. Oh god, what am I doing?! He wanted to impress his grandmother and uncle, yes, but not by lying that would just come to slap his face in the future. He was digging just a bigger hole to himself, this wasn't like him and he wanted to zip his mouth shut.

"Well, that'd be appreciated" Evron said, and Jared just nodded dumbfounded.

"What do you boys do as hobby or job?" Francine asked, sitting on the chair Trina brought her. "Aldo you're too young to have a job, but how about hobbies? Dan, Jared looks like around the same age as you."

"I'm in a swim team, that's my main focus and hobby but you could say I've got more of dad's sportiness than Dan with other things too" Aldo said with a smirk.

"Yes, but I do actually attend dad's judo school so that's one hobby" Dan said, jumping straight into the next hole. "I have a job as a photographer in a nearby coffee shop. Dad's share of the judo school was sold, as I wasn't yet ready to handle such a responsibility, but it's in good hands with a friend of his and I'm still there mostly besides regular school."


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As they were gone, Jared didn't say a word yet or ask for permission but lifted Dan up bridal style off of the wheelchair and carried him upstairs. Dan knew why Jared would be angry, upset at least and what he had done wrong, so he didn't resist or say anything until they were in currently Aldo's room, their old room with the door closed.

"Dan...I'm a little confused" Jared said, pacing around the room having put Dan to sit on the bed. "Mind telling me what the hell was that all about?"

"Well, you see, um...well" Dan said, trying to explain and understand what had just happened himself, but couldn't form any sensible thoughts let alone words out. His shoulders slumped in defeat and his head dropped down in shame so his eyes were fixed on his lap.

Jared ran his hand through his hair. "First, I'm only your good friend. I didn't know you wanted to hide us but I try understand that for a while, I'll give you time. But then, I'm a personal trainer and you're a judo player and engaged to a 'her'?! Oh my god, I want to cry and laugh at the same damn time."

"I-I'm sorry...I don't know what came over me, I just wanted to look good in her eyes and all that just came out...I'm sorry, I really am" Dan said solemnly.

"Well, you better be, this time you have the right" Jared said, looking down at Dan. "I'm supposed to show the gym to your uncle, me being the personal trainer. No, Dan. I guess if he had asked for a judo lesson, you would have given him one."

Dan huffed. "Of course not, I don't know anything about judo playing for real."

"And I don't really know anything about personal training!"

"Well, it's much easier to pretend being a personal trainer than to be a judo player!"

Dan having yelled back and what, Jared stared at him incredulously and then chuckled, then burst out laughing. He finally sat down next to Dan and put his arms around him, still laughing making a smile tug at Dan's lips too.


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