Chapter 23

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Summer's POV
       Me and Freddy are now walking to the laser tag place. I see Tomika and I run to her as fast as the speed of light. We hug tight and I say," I MISSED YOU SO MUCH TOMIKS!"
"ME TOO, SUM!" Tomika screamed back.
"Didn't you see each other Thursday at school?" Zack asked. Ugh, is he dumb that was Thursday.
"That was THURSDAY today is SATURDAY! We haven't been able to see each other in between, because Tomika is busy with family in town." I say matter of factly. Zack rolls his eyes. He'll never understand. We head in and split into teams of two. Lesme, Zomika, and Fremmer. We thought it best to do boy and girl team, because if you have me and Tomika on the same team then it would be unfair. We compete and guess what? Me and Freddy won. I guess the past week of bonding has brought us together. Now we are heading to the park. We get out our equipment and set up. We get a beat going and do freestyle.
"Never thought I would fall in love," Freddy said.
"With a girl with a as fair, as the one stand before me now," Tomika said.
"Now, now, now, Cause ever time I close my eyes I think about all the time." I say.
"And I don't know if that's wrong or right! Because I'm falling for her hard!" Zack said.
We continued our jam session and make a song called Falling for Her. Now it's dark and we have to head home. Freddy is going to the skatepark quickly to get his skateboard witch he accidentally left when we went earlier today before me meet the gang. I walk home and get supper started. I make barbecue meatballs and macaroni and cheese. Just as I finished cooking Freddy comes in all scraped up. I immediately run to him.
"What happened Freddy? Are you okay?" I asked flinging my arms around him. My poor Papi.
Freddy's POV
"My board got put on the top of a half pike (that's what it is called right?) and when I got up to get it, i accidentally got pushed down." I said. Summer has her hands around me and I love it.
" Come on let me fix you up in the bathroom. I have experience." Summer said grabbing my hand. She lead me to the bathroom and sat me on the toilet. She grabbed the first aid kit and fixed me up. Then she sat me on the couch and brought out a plate for me and her. She sits leaning up against me and cuddled up to me. One we finished eating, she took the dishes to the kitchen and let me pick what to watch. I pick a Zombie movie. When she came out she did something I always want her to do. She sat on my lap and wrapped her arms around me.
"I couldn't have had handled seeing you too hurt. I am glad it was minor." Summer whispered to me. Making my heart beat faster. As we watched the movie Summer put herself more and more into my arms. I could tell she was scared.
"It's okay, Summer. I will always protect you. You have me now." I said. I could feel Summer react well to that statement and she cuddled up closer me. I kiss her on her head. Pretty soon the movie ends and we both head up to bed. I was just getting in to bed when my door opened.
     "Freddy I am scared..." Summer said. I pull her in my bed and put my arms around her.
     "You don't need to be scared, Summy. I am here and nobody will hurt you. Ever again." I whispered in her ear.
       "Thanks, Papi. I don't know what I would do without you. I mean my whole life would be different. I would still be in the band for Tomika, I would still have to wait tell after high school to get away from the abusive dad, the bullying wouldn't have happened, but then the dad would still be a secret. Asher would have... you know what, and Jace would have probably hit on me a lot. Also who knows what Jace would have done. I could have been in his arms instead and he could have took advantage of me. I only want to be in your arms, Freddy." Summer says. Making me pull her in closer. She only wants to be in my arms?
        "And I only want to have you in my arms, Summer. I hate the fact that Jace would take advantage of you and the Asher would have raped you. Or that your dad would still hurt you to this day. It makes my blood boil." I say getting mad.
       "Don't be mad, my Freddy. I would hate every minute of that. And that's one of the small reasons I like you." Summer said kissing my cheek. She likes me? Did she mean it in a friendship way or Romantic?
     "I like you too, Summer." I say. Hopefully she takes it the same was I did.
Author's Note
      Hello Readers! I hope you liked this chapter! I filled it with cutesy Fremmer moments. I promise it will be official soon. Update soon!
~ C

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