Walk Like an Egyptian pt.1

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Chris pov

It's season three of Total Drama folks the world is gonna be mine, sea to shiny sea.

But sadly I'm forced to share my world with a three-ring traveling freak show, and they'll be competing all around the world for another million dollars. So let's meet our players.















And Ezekiel.

And to mix things up we're adding three new competitors.

He's an honor roll student with a diplomat for a dad, and an amazing ability to charm the pants off of most species, Alejandro.

And she's a sugar addicted super-fan with 16 total drama vlogs, Sierra.

And finally. He's extremely smart with an IQ of 173 and extremely sweet that he could possibly give you Diabetes, it's Félix.

Félix pov

Hi! It is such a pleasure to meet you all! I said with a grin so sweet it could actually give people cavities.

When I got out everyone but Alejandro was staring at me like if me being here was a joke, but that is completely fine with me because I want them to think I'm not a threat.

When we were done with introductions I heard a very unpleasant noise, so I turned around and saw a very crappy plane.

Courtney was asking about the safety and Owen was panicking because he was afraid of flying so to shut him up Chris knocked him out with a frying pan.

Oh geez is he okay? I asked with fake concern. While on the inside I couldn't stop laughing.

All aboard the plane. - Chris

Sing? Really I thought Chris was joking about that. - Gwen

Well I don't have a problem with it. - Courtney

Me neither actually. I agreed with Courtney.

Yeah but you like singing. - LeShawna

Well I don't girls sing, little birdies sing, Duncans do not sing. - Duncan

Do you think I'll get to beat box? - Harold

I'll beat you if you try! - Duncan

Why are you doing this to us?! - Heather

Singing reality shows are huge! The worse the singing the better the ratings, so that's why there will be no rehearsals, no vocal couches or warnings. - Chris

This is the in flight dining area where you will be enjoying your meals. - Chris

Not for long! Eh, prepare to lose to the Zeke! - Ezekiel

Okay not to be mean or anything, but you know that you got voted of first last time right? - Gwen

Word! And I spent every minute of that making sure that don't happen again. I'm stronger, faster, smarter -- chattier, blabbier can't shut up-ier. - Chris interrupted Ezekiel

Now zip it! So we can finish the tour and get this bird in flight! - Chris

Excuse me is there a ladies room? - LeShawna

Right through there. - Chris

Good cuz I gotta make a deposit, there's a camera in the potty, again! Ugh! Can't a sistah get any privacy on the program? - LeShawna

~I'm lazy so I'm skipping to when Ezekiel got pushed out of the plane.~

Oh no is he okay?! I asked with fake concern.


[ *Laughing* ]

We were all hanging in the dining area when suddenly I heard a bell and saw Chris walking out in a suit and he told us we had to sing.

Courtney asked what we had to sing, and Chris told us to make it up as we go.

( Sings with Alejandro and everyone else )

We arrived in Egypt. After Chris gave us the explanation, Alejandro and I went over the pyramid.

Alejandro and Félix are doing okay, they are like the cutest mountain goats ever. - Lindsay

I'm gonna go help the girls. - Ale

Ok, go ahead I'll meet you at the top. I told him.

Once Alejandro and the girls got to the top we got Bridgette to surf us down.

Bridgette and Lindsay was on team one.

While Ale and I were the first two members of team two.

[ Yes! On the same team as Ale, we will be unstoppable!]

Ale Confessional:

[ Yes! Félix is on my team, he is incredibly smart with an IQ of 172 and he is also my best friend. ]

On our team we get Tyler, Noah and Owen. Great, we get the Three Stooges. I whispered to Ale. He only chuckled in response, which made my cheeks get hot for some reason.

We also get Sierra on our team.

While the rest are on team 3.

So now it's time for you to create team names for yourselves. - Chris

Team Victory includes: Bridgette, Lindsay, DJ, LeShawna, Harold and Ezekiel.

Team Amazon includes: Heather, Courtney, Gwen, Izzy and Cody.

While my team kept trying to figure out team names, Sierra chose it for us so...

Team Chris is Really, Really, Really, Really Hot includes: Me, Alejandro, Noah, Tyler, Owen and Sierra.

Okay time for the rewards, Team Amazon gets a camel. Team Chris is Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Hot--

I think there were only four reallys. - Ale

There were. I whispered to Ale. He just glanced at me smirked and patted my head, then I felt my cheeks heat up again.

[ Why are my cheeks heating up again? Is it the heat? No it can't be, because they always heat up around Ale, no it can't be, he's my best friend there's no way I'm developing a crush on him, well he is handsome with those gorgeous green eyes, that perfect tanned skin and his-- oh geez! I'm developing a crush on Ale. ]

You win a goat - Chris

As the goat ran towards us it head butted Tyler.

[ *Laughing* I'm starting to *Laughing* like this goat! ]

I petted the goat and didn't bother asking Tyler if he was OK.

And team victory here you go. - Chris

So the guys who comes in last gets a camel, but we get a stick?

I'll explain it to you if I feel like it, next time on Total Drama World Tour.

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