Slap Slap Revolution

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After the moment yesterday I refused to acknowledge Alejandro's existence. It didn't help that he was sitting next to me though. Good thing though. His face is fucked up. I'm satisfied. I tried blocking out the world so I wouldn't explode again but I still heard Owen say he wasn't afraid of flying anymore. "Oh? This is gonna be interesting." I thought. Owen started doing some ballet moves while we're still midair... Which caused the plane to shake... Which reopened the hole in the plane. We were all struggling to stay on the plane holding onto the nearest thing we could. "Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!! Help me!!! Somebody!!!! Help me!!!! Please!!!!" Screamed Owen. "Al! Give me an Ale-hand-bro!" Said Owen. "Yeah AL! Give him an Ale-hand-bro!! You are the leader after all aren't you? Be a pal and help him out!" I mocked still trying to not die. DJ and Lindsey ended up helping him out and Leshawna blocked the hole with a conveniently shaped box.

Chris' voice came on the speakers and told us to unbuckle our seatbelts and head to the cargo hold. While I was unbuckling my seatbelt I saw mountains through the window. "Oh cool! Literally." I said quietly giggling at my pun. When we were in the cargo hold we were just standing there for a hot minute until the floor opened up and dropped us into the snow. Chris kinda dropped in on a parachute fan thing? I don't know but he told us to be quiet since we're in avalanche territory yet the first thing Lindsey did was screaming about a sale somewhere. Thankfully she was quickly silenced by Tyler and Cody. Chris continued whispering to us the song challenge and with that. We heard that ding that I have mixed feelings about.

When Lindsey finally remembered Tyler that idiot with a football for a brain leaped and yelled. In an avalanche zone. Isn't that just great. We went up the hill after Tyler had a dumb moment (which is all the time) after we got to the top we saw Chris with a bunch of meat grinders and some sausage meat.

[Please don't let this be what I think it's gonna be! I'm actually praying to any higher power. If it is what I think he's gonna do then I want to cry.]

And my fears turned into reality. I was right. We are filling up these sausage casings.

[Yayyyyyyyyyyyy... That was sarcasm if you couldn't tell.]

Once the challenge started Alejandro started spewing out commands. "Felix, Noah make sure Izzy doesn't get in the grinder!" Commanded Alejandro. "Whatever." I said butter. "Sure thing." Said Noah barely even caring. So we then went off with Izzy making sure she doesn't find a way to become the ice queen or whatever. When we came back though we noticed how the Shamazons had a tiny sausage. "Hah! Cody's got a tiny sausage!" Mocked Noah. "Well at least we have a sausage!" Cody shot back. "WHAT?!" I yelled as a looked over at my team only to see Owen. Stuffed like the pig he is.

[So it turns out that Owen has been eating our sausage. Isn't that lovely? I want to fucking strangle that guy sometimes.]

Since Owen ate all of our meat we decided to use him as a sausage and ride him down the hill. He deserved it. While we were going down a very vicious looking baby goat appeared at jumped at DJ. But since his curse exists he held up the goat but the goat got hit by a tree. Causing DJ to cry.

[Y'know, I kinda feel bad for DJ, cause I actually kinda like him. Sucks that his curse exists though.]

We dodged the goat and slid down faster with Alejandro steering with a stick but occasionally letting Owen get hit a couple of times.

Chris explained the second challenge and said we had to do a German dance routine and that we needed 3 dancers. So the 3 who were up was me, Noah... And Alejandro...great...

[Yeah no. I'm not gonna do that.]

Somehow I ended up doing it. This went on for a while until it was time for the actual challenge to start. It was a last one standing challenge but the platforms shock you. Fun... But fortunately, my partner was Heather. We kept slapping eachother for a while until I decide to just kick her in the shin and push her off. "Huh, neat. Why didn't I do that in the beginning?" I asked myself. The other people that got kicked off the platform was DJ, Cody and Noah. For round two though, it's me vs Leshawna and Alejandro vs Sierra. "Kick his ass Sierra!" I yelled. "You got it! After what he did to Cody there's no way I'm losing this now!" She called back. But I then hear Alejandro cheering on Leshawna. So that really set me off. All of the rage and frustration I've been holding inside for maybe 8 years have been released. So I just you know. Rage mode. I snatched her weave (not literally but I did pull her hair) and while she was distracted I body tackled her making me go off because of the momentum. When I landed on the ground I instantly apologized to Leshawna. "I'm so sorry! Life just sucks lately and I really didn't mean to blow up on you!" I said regretfully. "Awwww it's ok sugar. I can't stay mad at you when you look at me with those eyes. Now why don't you tell me what's up later. K?" "Yes please."

After the challenge it turns out that Leshawna got booted.

[Dangit! We've never had that talk... Whatever. I guess there's really nothing to talk about.]

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