Can't Help Falling in Louvre

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"*Sigh* Middle class again..." I muttered. "Oh don't worry Felix, I'm sure we'll win soon." Said Alejandro. "I suppose it's nice to stay optimistic Alé." I said. "Gasp! My ship is back together!" Gasped Sierra. "So you two are buddy buddy again? What's up with that?" Questioned Heather. "Well, friendship always wins in the end! But I guess you really wouldn't know about friendship Heather, y'know, considering you betrayed all of your allies and comrades." I sighed. "Why you little!" "Ok, ok, break it up you two." Said Alejandro.

It then got quiet. Tyler decided to break the silence and start a new conversation. As I was listening along Alejandro said that Izzy was with Chef. "What?!" All of us except Alejandro gasped. Suddenly the plane flipped and started doing somersaults. "Ahhhhhhh! Oh my god! I swear that child needs Jesus!" I screamed as I went flying about. To keep myself from ending up who knows where, I did what anyone would do. I grabbed Alejandro's waist.

[If I go down he's going down with me!!]

After the plane stopped flipping a started taking deep breaths. I couldn't hear anything over my rapid heartbeat. As I was finally starting to feel safe the plane started flipping again and then started to crash.. I ended up holding onto Owen this time with the rest of my team. As the plane was falling we ended up in a river near the Eiffel tower.

We got out of the plane and Chris started to do his introduction. Well technically he skipped through it but shhhhh, we don't talk about that. We walked into the Louvre and when we were inside Chris started explaining the challenge. So basically we have to assemble broken statues. The statue we got was the Venus de Milo. "Oh I love this statue! It's such a lovely piece of art." I chirped.

After a while of looking we got most of our pieces. All we need is the head and we can start building. Easy right? Wrong, the head is behind some laser beams. Alejandro was fussing over who should get the head and told Noah to get it. Noah touched the laser and got shocked so I spoke up. "Um Alé, remember, I was basically raised by a circus." I said. "Yeah and?" He asked. "I can get it! I've been doing acrobatics since I was like, 6." I said.

[Ok, so story time, My parents were apart of the Cirque du Soleil, so I was literally born in the Cirque! I was taught acrobatics, trapeze, contortion, cut wheel, aerial silks, aerial hoops and all that jazz! Oh memories. That might explain why I didn't have many friends as I kid actually...]

"Oh yeah! Ok then, Noah you keep the sasquatch distracted while Felix gets the head." Said Alejandro.

I started to jump through the lasers like I was a hoop, it brought back some very pleasant memories of my childhood, before it had backstabbers in it. While I was midway there I heard a ding. Even from where we were we could still hear Sierra's singing.

(Replace Noah's line with: Oui, my friend that is very very true!)

By the time the song was finished I successfully and safely got the head back to the others. "Jazz hands!" I said. "Great job! Now let's hurry and build the statue!" Said Alejandro.

After a little conflict with Amazon's and Heather we started to build our Venus. But by we I mean Noah. When the statue was finished it looked somewhat ok for the most part, except that it had arms! And it wasn't even women arms! They were buff male arms! "Noah..." I started. "The Venus de Milo, doesn't have arms!" I shouted. "What?!" He replied. Alejandro then showed him the picture of Venus and he realized what I meant. But by the time we constructed the Venus correctly it was already too late. The Amazons won and Victory lost, leaving us in the middle. Again...

[*Sigh* Ok, y'know what? This is fine... Totally fine... Hehehe hehe... Fu-]

Since there was a two team elimination there had to be a tie breaker. It was a model off. And to be completely honest, I'm terrified. They each had to choose a model and the models has to present the attire, so yeah, I'm terrified. Lindsey, of course, chose Tyler, and DJ chose Gwen. After they chose they walked backstage to the cat walk that magically appeared in front of us.

When the models walked out Tyler was first, he was wearing uhhhhhhh... A unique(?) Style. It was so um, new, that I couldn't describe it into words. His hair was a whole other story. It just goes whoop! Y'know? It's sticking out in weird ways that will probably haunt my dreams. Thankfully I'm not a judge though. Tyler continued walking until there was nowhere else to walk on and face plants into the ground. Next, was Gwen. She walked out while wearing her normal clothes but with DJ's shirt over her and his headband over her eyes. She stopped walking when she reached the end and just, stood there. She then proceeded to get angry and threw DJ's shirt and headband at Chris. But, after that entire trainwreck, DJ still managed to win somehow. Making Lindsey the loser.

[Not gonna lie, I actually kinda liked Lindsey, I wish I got to know her more while she was still on the show, who knows, maybe I'll reach out to her after I win the million.]

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