chapter 1

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Hello my favorite people. Im back to give you your story. Hope you like!

The boy was looking straight into my eyes, it was like he was staring into my soul. I just sood there staring back at his beyond perfect face. I suddenly wanted to know his name, to know everything about this flawless man. I also started feeling very insecure. He probably thought I looked like a freak, green gooey blood was soaking my clothes, my hair was thrown around messily, and I had small cuts all over my face. I probably looked like some creature from a horror movie. He would much rather prefer my beautiful best friend that was standing not far from me, but the way that he was staring at me almost made me think otherwise. Almost.

While I was lost in his beautiful eyes, I forgot about the task at hand. A grotesque zombie ran up to the boy at full speed and I remembered that we were in danger. I sprinted to the creature and chopped his ugly head off. "You can thank me later," I told the man conceitedly, "but right now we have to focus on the danger right now. Firstly, do you have a weapon? Secondly, do you know how to fight? Thirdly, what is your name? Lastly, please dont die."

He pulled out a gun to answer my first question and then replied, "Yes, I know how to fight, I'm actually a trained zombie killer. My name is Zakk and why do you care?" he asked about my last question with a smirk.

I had no answer to give without looking like a head over heels girly girl so I ignored his last question and instead said, "Lets kill these things before they kill us." I went over to Summer and told her about Zakk and that he was going to help us.

We got back to killing the zombies and at one point I completely stopped killing zombies to watch Zakk shoot their heads off. He had perfect stance, perfect aim, perfect everything. I just wanted to go over there and kiss him and never stop. These were new feelings for me. New discoveries. I didnt completely understand these new feelings but I knew I should probably keep them to myself. I felt something cold grab my arm and could smell the repulsive smell of zombie breath that was being heavily breathed down my neck. I turned around with perfect caution with a gleam of fear in my eyes. I reached for my knife where I had strapped it to my leg but it wasnt there. I searched the space around me to see if I had dropped it when I tried to strap it. I found it 10 feet past the zombie.

"Zakk!" I screamed in horror. Zakk turned around mid-shot and almost shot Summer in the head. Summer screamed and ducked just in time. Zakk shot the zombie that was reaching for me and the creatures blood splattered all over my body. I didnt care about that considering the fact that I was already covered in it. "You saved me," I said with a thankful tone of voice.

"Hardly," he said matter of factly, "It wouldve taken a lot longer for that thing to get to your brain than for you to get to that knife. You've got a thick skull." He smiled like he was proud. It was kind of creepy. Why would he be proud of me like a father would be, like he owned me or something? It was confusing but I decided to ignore it.





Summer and I were talking later on after we washed up when the phone randomly started to ring. Im not trying to say that its not normal for the phone to ring, because it is, but I didnt know the number. I picked up anyway and heard a familiar voice. "Hello," I said with caution because I still didnt really know who it was.

"Its Zakk by the way," he said.

"Oh... hi Zakk," I replied, "whats up. Why are you calling me and how do you know my number? Are you a stalker or a rapist? If you are I dont think we can be friends."

"NO!" he yelled, "No, im not. My friend knows you and gave me your number. Can I come over?"

"Sure, I live on the only blue house on Martindale St. its not hard to find. Oh, and what friend?"

"Amy Bing. I've gotta go, I'll be right over," he replied hurriedly. Hmm weird.

"Hey Summer, Zakk is coming over. Cool?" I asked.

"Yea, sure. Do you want me to make something?" she asked.

"Brownies? I'll help!" I shouted. We got up and started to get the brownies ready.

Not long after we put the brownies in the oven, the doorbell rang. "I'll get it," I shout.

I open up the door and am greeted with Zakk and some girl I dont recognize. I welcome them into the house and tell them that we are making brownies.

"I dont eat brownies. They are way too fattening," the girl says, stretching out the word way.

"Looks like I've found my twin," I say high pitched and sarcastic. Summer snorts and the girl glares at her. "Dont look at my sister like that!" I shout at her. She glares daggers at me too. I decided to ignore her and walked over to the couch.

"Well um, I guess I should introduce everyone," Zakk says like hes uncomfortable with the situation. "Taylor, this is the girl I met today. Her name is Elora. This is her best friend Summer. Summer and Elora, this is Taylor, my girlfriend," he introduced. I sucked in a sharp breath and everyones eyes turned to me. I smiled awkwardly. Girlfriend? Ugh I knew I wasnt good enough for him. I knew there would be something keeping us apart. I dont even know why I had hope for us even if it was only for a sliver of a second.

"Well this is awkward. Uhmm... I know we got off to a bad start but I'm sure we can be friends. Right, Summer?" I said while I held back tears.

"Right," she said through her teeth. After that small amount of talk there was an awkward silence passing between us.

The silence breaks when the timer goes off for the brownies. "I'll get it!" Summer shouts. She cuts up the brownies into small squares and grabs three plates. She passes them out after putting equal sized squares on our plates.

"Soo, what was so important that you needed to come over immediately to talk about?" I asked impatiently. I was getting annoyed of his dumb girlfriend. She kept glaring at me giving me weird looks. Also even though she was doing it low where she didnt think I could see, I saw her flip me off several times. I wanted to get in her face and scream at her to, "Get out of my house you dumb brat." I clenched my fists tightly in attempt to hold in my anger and bit my bottom lip fiercely.

"It's not really all that important, I was just wondering if you wanted to team up? You seem like you could use some help," he said smirking, referring to my zombie incident earlier. I glared at him and then looked down at my hands, which had nail marks from me clenching my fists so tightly.

I looked at Summer in question and she just nodded her head with enthusiasm. I looked at Zakk and he was staring at me with his green eyes that were shining brighter than ever with excitement. Why is he excited? Its not like I'm the most amazing person to be around.

His eyes were pleading for me to say yes and I just couldn't resist, "Yes, you can join our zombie killing team." With that he and Taylor fled my house, hand in hand.

So how do you guys like the story so far? Feedback and suggestions please! See ya soon my lovelies!

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