Chapter 4

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Hi guys! This will be my last update for a whole week :( I am going to summer camp with my bff Summer so... I guess you will just have to savor this update. I hope you enjoyed the last chapter and I hope this chapter will make you wait to hear the next chapter. Anyways I just wanted to thank you all for reading this book it means the world to me. Vote and comment my lovelies! :)

The day after I shoved Zakk and Taylor out of my house like the brat I am, Zakk got a new cellphone. I don't know how considering yesterday he didn't have the money but I really don't care. He had been calling me all day long and I just ignored the calls. I was still mad at him for not breaking up with Taylor and I am definitely one to hold a grudge.

Later that day Derek had called and told us that the zombies were coming from the west side of town. I was happy that the zombies were coming because it was a way to get my mind off of Zakk. Especially because he wasn't allowed to kill with us anymore. I told Summer that she needed to get ready to go kill zombies.

She nodded her head then said, "OK, I'll get ready while you tell Zakk to get ready to go." I just shook my head at her. She tilted her head to the side a bit, confused. I completely forgot to tell her that Zakk was kicked off of our team. I'm surprised that she didn't wake up from all the noise though.

"Zakk and I had a... falling out, I guess you could say. I got mad and kicked him off of our team. Sorry, I forgot to tell you, I hope its OK," I said to her. She nodded her head sadly and walked away. I knew that Summer always wanted Zakk and I to get together but we just didn't work together. He was much happier with people like Taylor. He was fire and I was water, I put him out. It would never work out between us, despite how much I really wanted it to.

I got ready in a quick five minutes and threw my messy hair up into a ponytail. I had grabbed my shotgun and strapped my dagger to my thigh. Summer grabbed her Samurai sword and we were out the door. It was early in the day so people were out and about in their lawns. They all looked at us like we were some sort of odd species that has never been seen before. We ignored their looks like we always do and continued on along the street.


Summer and I were fighting the zombies so easily it was like baby games. The only weapon I was using was the shot gun. I had walked up some stairs onto someones porch thing that was up high. The zombies seemed slower than usual today which was weird. I wasn't thinking about Zakk until a zombie was right up against Summer. It reminded me of how helpless I was and then Zakk saved my life. Maybe I was being a bit harsh on him but I honestly thought that he deserved it.

I shot the zombie in the head before Summer even realized it was there. The wind was blowing really hard this morning and it was making my loose fit shirt fly up in the air. It was really distracting when I had to keep pushing my shirt back down. Luckily today I had gone for shorts instead of a skirt otherwise I would have been flashing my underwear to the zombies. Not that they would notice anyways.

At one point towards the end of the zombie hunt I drifted off into a daydream. I was dreaming about the topic of zombies. I was this legend zombie killer and everyone loved me. I could fight off a pack of a million zombies in ten minutes all by myself. I was rich and had this huge house. Zakk was my boyfriend and he was super romantic. He would kiss me every time that he got the chance. I wished that the daydream was my real life. Its not that I'm not happy with the life that I am living at this particular moment, but it would be nice to have something a bit different. I realized though that the daydream couldn't be real life because life is difficult, you just have to be strong enough to make it all the way through.

I snapped out of my trance when I heard a scream of horror. Summer was standing in the middle of a big circle of zombies. They were all coming towards her, moaning and stumbling against each other. I shot as many as I could as Summer struggled to fight them with her sword.

Eventually there were only about fifty zombies left to kill. I continually shot them one by one in their heads. I never even had to use my dagger because they were too stupid to climb up the stairs. A couple found me in my hiding place and attempted to jump up onto my safety platform like the dumb things that they are. I was too high up though. If they could have jumped maybe thirty feet higher then they could have gotten near me. I don't think they can jump that high though.

I heard someone coming up the stairs quickly so I knew it wasn't a zombie. When they reached the flat platform at the top I looked over to see who it was.

Zakk was standing there without a shirt and wearing black jeans and acting as if the chill of the wind didn't have an effect on him at all. I drooled over his abs and arms of pure muscle but then turned away and shot another zombie. What am I thinking? I don't even like him anymore!

"What are you doing here?" I spat at him like he was worthless.

"I came to help," he replied. I could practically hear the smirk in his voice.

"We dont need your help," I told him, aiming at another zombie.

When I shot at the zombie Zakk replied, "I also needed to tell you that I broke up with Taylor."

My first emotion was happiness and then it turned to sadness and then confusion and my last emotion was anger. "That's amazing," I said sarcastically. "I really hate the fact that I had to tell you how much I hated her and how much you hurt me for you to be able to break up with her!"

"Are you on your period or something? Your emotions are crazy this week," he told me seriously.

That really made me mad. I turned around and pointed the gun at him. "No I'm not on my period, asshole!"

He raised his hands up in surrender. "Whoa, put the gun down Elora. I only wanted to know a simple question," he states innocently. I made an irritated noise and turned back to the scene in front of me.

A warm hand touched my arm and pushed me back against whoever's house this is. Zakk's green eyes were penetrating. He leaned forward quickly and pressed his lips to mine.

I tried to push him away numerous times but he just came at me stronger. He rested his hand against my face and that was when I realized that I liked what he was doing. I kissed him back until I heard a shout of victory coming from below us.

We broke apart and I looked into his green eyes. They were brighter than I have ever seen anything in my whole entire life. I smiled at him and he smiled back. He leaned in again and this time I wasn't reluctant to kiss him back.

Hello my friends! Did you enjoy the chapter? Comment how you feel about their relationship now. Is it moving too fast? You tell me. I hoped you liked it because its all that you are getting until I am back from camp. If you notice any mistakes in the writing can you tell me because I keep rereading my chapters and finding mistakes but I dont change them because Im not sure if anyone cares. Thanks you guys! I love you!!! <3

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