Chapter 1

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"Laila, get up for school right now or so help me god I will come up there and drag you out of bed myself."

I groaned into my pillow as my mom called me. She was in a particularly bad mood this morning, probably because my dad was out of town for the night. She always got anxious when he wasn't around.

I rolled over so I was lying on my back, staring up at the ceiling. Letting out a loud sigh, I slowly dragged myself out of bed. As much as I hated school, I didn't feel like getting on the wrong side of my mom.

I stretched my hands above my head, trying to loosen my tense muscles. Wondering into my bathroom, I turned on the shower, stripped off my pajamas and stepped into the hot water. The heat made me relax, and I just stood there, letting the water run over my head.

But I knew I would be late if I didn't move soon.

I washed my hair quickly and got out of the shower. I dried myself off and walked to my wardrobe. I cocked my head to the side, wondering what I was going to wear. I rolled my eyes at myself. Like I actually cared that much. 

I quickly grabbed a pair of black jeans, and a grey band t shirt. Pulling them on, I matched them with my black combat boots and a black beanie.

I looked in the mirror now. My dark, almost black hair was pushed down by the hat. I took after my mom, with my dark hair and pale skin. But she was always telling me to cut my hair. My bangs fell in front of my face, hiding my eyes. I preferred it like that. It blocked everything out.

The hat only forced my hair more into my face, which to me was good. 

I had my dad's eyes though. They were blue, and you wouldn't even be able to see them through my hair if they weren't so bright.

I heard my mom calling me from downstairs and I cursed her under my breath. Grabbing my black shoulder bag, I stuck my headphones in my ears and turned on my iPod.

I trudged downstairs, dragging my feet. I hated school. It was torture. Especially in a small town like mine.

As I entered the kitchen, my mom turned to scowl at me. I kept my head low, avoiding her eyes. Other females wondered around the kitchen, cooking and chatting. We all used to live in our own house, but when I turned forteen, my parents moved us into the pack house.

"Looks like you're finally up."

I ignored her as I moved to the table and sat down beside my brother. He smirked at me and I ignored him too. 

All in all, I was the black sheep of the family. Whereas my brother was the perfect child. Oscar was nineteen now and still living in the pack house. He hadn't bothered to go to college, telling our parents he liked to stay close to home.

I knew better. My brother was the biggest player in the pack. He had hooked up with at least half the girls I knew. He wanted to stay here so he could keep scoring some easy tail. Pig.

My mom was talking away, but I could barely hear her because of my music. I ate the food she put in front of me, and then walked out to my car when I was done. I rarely talked to anyone, choosing to listen to my music instead.

The problem with this was that my pack was very.. friendly. They talked a lot. They wanted to hang out, have happy-family time. And I wasn't like that.

Not that I hated my family. I just didn't get it. I liked being on my own.

As I drove to school, I mumbled to myself. It was a ritual, something I did every day. I was preparing myself, trying to keep myself sane when on my way to school.

Pulling into the parking lot, I sighed. God help me.

I climbed out of my car, glancing around at the random groups of teenagers. Every in the school had their own clique. Just like every other high school. I could easily recognise each of them. But I didn't really fit in to any of them. And you couldn't have a clique by yourself, so I had been labelled a loner.

There weren't many loners in this place.

People turned to stare at me, but I just kept my head down and listened to my music. I heard people snickering and smirking as I walked past. I gritted my teeth and made my way into the school.


I knew for a fact, even the teachers thought I was weird. I was a good student, getting some of the highest marks in the school. But I wouldn't speak during class or read out. This had led to several trips to the principals office. Not that he got me to explain it either.

But when I did speak, it was usually when I got angry.

I was sitting in my History class, bored out of my mind. My teacher hadn't bothered to show up, so everyone was just doing their own thing. And that meant chaos. I had my headphones in, like usual, and was tapping a pencil against the desk to the beep.

That's when things started being thrown at my head. I ignored the few pieces of paper, but then it was pens and pencils. I turned and glared at the row of boys towards the back of the room. They were all smirking at me.

These were the five biggest assholes in school. I don't know what made them like this, whether it was an alien abduction or they were all dropped on their heads as babies. I personally didn't care. But they were intent on making my life hell.

The biggest asshole of them all was Evan. He seemed to have something against me. Not that I liked him very much either.

"Hey Laila."

Evan thought everyone liked him, gave a damn about his opinion. But most people thought he was a jackass.

I rolled my eyes at him and turned back to the front. He was going to insult me, or mock me. Something he thought would get me angry. There were very few things that worked.

"Oh, so you're going to ignore me?"

Why yes, yes I am, I thought. 

I heard him stand up, walking through the other tables and stood right in front of me. All the other students in the room had gone quiet as they watched Evan. 

He put both his hands on the desk, and got right in my face. I just blinked, not flinching back.

"Bitch, I asked you a question."

I yawned, keeping eye contact as I showed him just how much I cared. I saw his face getting red and I cocked my head to the side, waiting for his reaction.

I saw his arm twitch, and I knew he was planning on hitting me. I had to hold in my laughter as I saw him pull his arm back. It moved towards me, and in a flash, I had grabbed his fist in the palm of my hand. I then twisted his arm, making him cry out in pain.

He dropped to his knees and then I let go. Everyone was staring at me, but I just kept my eyes on Evan. He looked up at me from the ground, his eyes watering. A small smile formed on my lips. I quickly stood up, grabbing my bag and walking out the door.

I could feel the eyes of everyone on me as I moved.

God I hated this place.


This is the first chapter of my new story. It is a sequel of my first story, Pack Warrior, but you don't need to read that to understand this story.

My style of writing means I take a bit of time to get to the real plot. I like to paint a picture.

Thanks for reading (and hopefully voting and commenting). 


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