Chapter 13

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After our day of swimming and dancing, Eli and I were closer than ever. Suddenly it wasn't all about travelling, we were friends. Which at first I didn't mind. But as my feelings started to grow for him, I was beginning to freak out.

I didn't want to mess up our friendship, we were good together. I didn't want to ruin it by bringing mushy feelings into the mix. Not that I was even sure of my feelings. I had only ever had one other crush before, and that was when I was nine.

But I had no idea what else could explain why every time Eli smiled at me, I got butterflies. And why I couldn't think of anything else but being around him.

Basically, I was being screwed over by my own body.

It wasn't until a week later that things started to get weird.

We were both lying beside the fire, messing around and talking. Even at this stage, I still didn't know much about him, but instead we talked about random stuff. It was mostly me catching him up on all he had missed while being a lone wolf.

"You're kidding me, right? I mean, you're not actually serious."

I was laughing like crazy at the expression on his face. My sides were starting to hurt, and I was fairly certain if I didn't calm down I would cry from giggling so much.

"I am a hundred percentage serious." I just managed to get the words out between giggles.

Eli just shook his head at me. "No way, you are so messing with my head right now."

I rolled over onto my stomach as I continued to laugh like a crazy person. His expression was priceless. Once I finally caught my breath, I was able to roll back over and turn to face Eli. I smiled at him.

"Yeah, I'm messing with you." I smiled at him evilly and I got a glare in return. This just made me go into another fit of laughter.

"I knew we hadn't discovered aliens."

As he said it out loud, I had to cover my mouth with my hands to stop any more giggles. But instead, it just made me snort a bit. 

He snickered and I rolled my eyes at him. We both fell silent. I stared up at the sky, the stars just visible but the leaves of the trees.

"Now what?"

He looked over at me. "I don't know, we've basically covered everything."

"Yeah, we've talked about everything from movies to music to disasters. I think we might be out of topics."

There was silence again.

"I feel like we're missing something. What have we not talked about?"

He looked at me, and I could tell there was something hidden behind his eyes. "I guess the only thing left is, well, the past."

I froze, before sitting up slowly to face him. Was he serious? "What about the rules?"

He shrugged. "You said yourself, we're out of topics."

"Eli, we don't have to talk about this." 

"No, it's fine. I want to talk about it. We've been travelling together for weeks now, and I want you to know me."

I watched him, his eyes on the fire as he stayed silent. When he finally spoke, his eyes never moved from the flickering flames.

"I was kicked out of my pack at 13." He paused, and everything was silent. Not knowing what to say, I just watched him, waiting to see if he would speak again.

"I didn't have what you would call a happy childhood. My father was the alpha of our pack, one of the most powerful packs ever. He was vicious and killed anyone that got in his way. When I was born, my father finally had the heir he wanted. And he wanted me to be exactly like him."

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