Lol 💕🌟🐐

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Erika's POV:
Jake:it's ok I'll just leave now
Erika's thoughts* ughhhh jakeeeeee!!!!
Why didn't this kid ever let me finish😑🙄😤welp I mean that's probably why I like him😂
Erika go's to jake and stops him
Erika:Jake why don't you ever let me finish
Erika:my answer is......yes I would love to lol
So guys that was the shortest chapter ever but like on the way to school and I'm about to be there and 2.i had a different idea but I didn't want to keep you guys waiting so I'm sorry it was short but when I'm out of school I'll hopefully be writing one bye guys and don't forget to ware your seatbelt 💕🌟🐐

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