µChapter 5: The servantµ

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Y/N's P.O.V

Later that week, we both sat in the palace's library. Quiet and peaceful. We didn't need to talk, yet we were bonding. And that's what I want. Earn some trust. And knowing him, that trust will not come until God knows how long. He hasn't proposed to me yet, meaning he first want the trust, to then wed me. 

Which was smart.

At the time, I was reading Shake spear while he was working. We sat next to each other on a wooden table. I tried to look at his work to maybe see anything of use. But he was leaning over his work and I couldn't read the tiny letters. 

When I was looking at his paper, he looked at me causing me to literally look anywhere but not at him. "Darling~" He sang as I looked at him. "Yes?" I responded. "There's better view on my lap." He suggested as I frowned. 

"I'm fine." I told him as he snickered and continued his work.

"...I wasn't looking at your wo-"

"Yes you were." He smiled at me as he cut me off. After a few minutes I closed my book. "I'm bored." I stated. "Go run a few round around the palace and come back to me." He suggested as I shook my head. "I can't run for sh*t." I stated. 

"Noted." He told me as he suddenly wrote something done in a notebook he pulled out of his coat. "Wait, wait, wait." I frowned as I grabbed his notebook and read a few lines.

- Doesn't like eating when I'm looking at her

- Has an awful handwriting

- Can't run for sh*t

"...George what is this?" I asked as I looked at him. He grabbed the notebook with one swift move. "I'm bored too. So I observe you and write facts down about you." He explained with a smile. "That's called stalking-"

"I'm the king, I can do what I want." He argued back.

Later that day I asked George if I could go to the city. 

He said no.

I said I'd run away.

He said that the guards would catch me.

I said that was not fair.

He told me he was the king and he could do what he wanted. 

So then I sat on my bed, pouting about the fact that I was trapped here until he trusted me. That's when I decided to get up and do something with my life.  So I walked around the castle. What else had I got to do?

I already crashed the chandelier to the ground.


D-Don't ask.

As I was walking around, minding my own business when I noticed someone creeping into the office of George. Looked like servant. My curiosity got the best of me and I slowly crept to George's office. As I walked in, I saw him searching through all the documents.

He had black, tangled hair tied with a dirty dark blue ribbon. He had his uniform on which was a  white chemise with a beige sleeveless jacket, beige pants and black shoes. I couldn't see his face, but I could see the stress dripping out of his body.

I crept close to him.

"Whatcha doing?" I asked as he turned around and directly faced me. He knew damn well who I was and who I was the so called 'courter' of. "Erm...I-I...I was...The king! He erm...He asked me to get him some papers!" He finally uttered out. 

"Oh~" I smirked as he grumbled knowing that I knew he was lying. "Look, I don't want any trouble." He suddenly whispered in an American accent. "Rumor's been going around that you were the personal messenger of Washington and that you're here because of a kidnapping." He told me.

"What's it to you?" I asked with a smirk. "Are you here against your will?" He asked leaning against the desk. "What's it to you?" I asked yet again. "I can get you out of here, just, don't snitch and I'll take you with me back to America." He promised as I looked at his face for any hints of lies. 


He was dead serious. 

"You're an American spy." I figured out as he nodded. "Send by general Washington himself." He proudly stated. I sarcastically began to clap. He seemed a tad irritated with this but chuckled it off. "I've written a few letters to him." He proclaimed. "I told him that you were here." He said. 

I frowned. "What did he say?" I asked. "He told me that I had to get you back as soon as I was done with the mission or he'd break my neck...I hope he was joking about that last statement." He sheepishly stated. 

I chuckled. "Probably wasn't." We both said at the same time.

"..." We looked at each other in a state of confusion before turning away. "You should get going." I stated as I heard him hum in agreement. I heard him open the door and get out. I sighed and I touched my cheeks to feel the heath. 

"God dammit..." I sighed as I realized I had been blushing. 

I stepped out of the room and walked to my own room. 


Let me rephrase that:

I was going to walk to my room, but then George bumped into me.

"Hey! Where have you been? I have been looking all over for you! The servants said they didn't know where you were so I threw them in the dungeon. But don't worry about that! I found you and that's what's important! Never just disappear ever again-"

"George, release those innocent people from the dungeon." I demanded as I rubbed my temples. "I don't have a reason t-"

I stood on my tipy toes and pressed my lips onto his. He slowly wrapped his arms around my waist. 

"Now you do." I told him as I parted my lips from his after awhile. "..." His face was red and he couldn't even utter out a sound. He covered his eyes in embarrassment and hurried past me to tell the guards to release the people.

If I had figured out that it was that easy to make him do something, I'd done it earlier. 

(First book) King George III X Reader: What if it didn't end like it did?Where stories live. Discover now