Oh my sweet jebus.

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We have gotten so far with this book. I'm so happy with how this is turning out and I cant believe that we're already close to 1k reads. I cant be any happier. Thank you all so fucking much for your support during this story. This book might not be one of the best books which I actually didn't expect this to be, I just thought this book would get 50 reads tops. But, this is so much better. Thank you all for your support! <3 I might make this a 25 chapter book, and I have decided, when this book is done, I WILL make a sequel. No idea on how it's gonna go, whenever I write, I don't plan the words I'm gonna write, I literally just crack mah knuckles, and type shit onto the page. Just goooo with the damn flow. Thank you all so much for this, 700 reads, let's get this shit to 1k.


P.S. I tempted to make a Voltron story but replace the characters with youtubers and the reader. So, if that sounds nice, ya know, hit me up fam XD My fucking hell kill me. I can make it to where you have different routes, and of course, this blue bean turned coffee bean is gonna be In the story. So, ya know, lemme know if that shit's interesting! <3 

The Blue Bean-{Crankgameplays/Ethan x Reader} :3Where stories live. Discover now