12. Home

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"I don't normally apparate with wizards that I just met" Serena joked coyly as Severus held out his arm to her the next weekend after the students had all gone home for break.

"You don't trust my charm and good looks?" he cocked his eyebrow and smiled at her, his dark robes looking supremely out of place in the bright gardens outside of the Hogwarts property.

"I could take a chance on you, I suppose" she answered taking his arm and waiting for the feeling to drop out of her stomach.

The world went black for a few seconds and she found herself in front of a charming white cottage covered by an espresso brown wooden roof with dropped eaves. All around her was nothing but rolling green hills filled with lavender, daisies, and other assorted wildflowers. A gigantic weeping willow stood beside the house, offering an idyllic nook under which to read or write. It was perfect.

"This is beautiful Severus!" she exclaimed, stamping her feet a little.

"It's very quiet, will you be alright with that?" he asked her a little nervously, lacing his fingers up with hers.

"We can go anywhere in the world in literally two seconds with magic. Being alone is a very relative term" she reminded him.

Sometimes he forgot that she came from a world where life took way more time and effort to live and travel.

"Of course" he nodded, opening the rounded green door for her.

Stepping inside she noted the open floor layout with the same rich mahogany floors as the roof. The walls were a surprisingly bright cream with elegant high candlesticks on the walls and a wrought iron chandelier over the tall dining room table. The living room held two overstuffed emerald chairs, a small loveseat, as well as a small glass and iron coffee table in the middle stacked high with books and parchment.

It was all elegant and minimal, very much like Severus. It was bright and airy though, which said something about how he wanted his world to be now, or perhaps he did that for her. Either way, it was lovely.

She walked straight ahead and saw the kitchen to her left. The countertops were a swirled white and grey granite with black walnut cabinetry. It was completely void of any clutter or personal items. It didn't take much to live as a single man, especially one who could summon anything with the flick of a wand.

"This is all very...You. And I love it" she turned to him, pulling him into a hug.

"You're welcome to do whatever you would like...I want you to feel comfortable, this is your home too" he told her a little uneasily, thinking that it was all too bare for her taste.

"Show me the bedroom" she demanded, kissing his neck.

"What's the muggle tradition? Carrying ones partner over the threshold?" he wondered aloud, easily picking her up.

"Close enough" she murmured, biting his neck.

He carried her into the master bedroom with the navy blue walls and the same high black candlestick holders on the wall with long white candles sitting in them. The bed was massive, covered by a black silk comforter and white crocheted style quilt at the foot of it. A cedar chest sat at the foot of the bed with the Hogwarts emblem burned into it.

She relished the feel of his weight on top of her as she sunk into the mattress. He had become adept at undressing her while simultaneously kissing, his tongue always performing a delicate dance with hers. Wordlessly, with a simple thought, all of his clothes were on the floor and the contraceptive charm in place.

"There's something so incredibly attractive about having a naked witch perform magic on me..." he commented drily, long fingers cupping her breasts and nipples.

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