The Night's Not Over Yet

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After I posted the picture of Draco and myself and sent a quick message to Ginny telling her not to wait up, I turned off my phone and stuck it into my black clutch. I was not about to deal with all the drama that was going to be brewing because of those simple pictures. I was having so much fun with Draco and I wasn't about to let social media ruin it for us.

As I wander out of the powder room I notice Draco leaning against the wall by a giant metal door. His pale face was lit up in the glow of his phone. His features are well defined but with a slight softness. His hair is slightly falling into his eyes no longer perfectly gelled back due to the heat and sweat caused by the nightclub. As I start to close the distance between us I notice his pale pink lips spread across his face to revile his signature smirk. In this moment he is so beautiful. I could stand here for hours admiring his beauty. If I could only freeze time.

Knowing that I'll never live it down if he catches me I continue closing the gap between us. Once I am practically beside him he looks up from his phone and runs his fingers through his now tousled platinum blonde locks. As he does this, I look down trying to avoid his stare so I don't blush. But that went out the window the moment I notice his shirt had come untucked. As he reaches up to run his fingers through his hair, his shirt rose and I start to bite my bottom lip as I notice not only the Calvin Kleins he has on but also a very sexy v-line. At that moment I feel the heat rush to my face, but not because of embarrassment. No this was something else entirely. This was a feeling I had when watching the hot lifeguards at the pool or fangirling over some fictional character.

"Damn." I said under my breath while still looking down.

"Is everything okay Mione? You look a little flushed I think it's getting too warm in here." Draco says with sincere concern in his voice.

"Yeah, sorry. I was thinking the same thing." I say in a shyly.

Just then he smiles and grabs my hand while leaning on the metal door to his right to push it open and lead me inside. As the door slowly closes behind us with a thud it becomes almost pitch black. There is just a dull ghost light at the top of what seems like a hundred stairs. As Draco leads me up the metal stairs case all I hear is the music getting more and more muffled and the sounds of our shoes banging against the floor. We keep climbing at a normal pace for what feels like five minutes but was actually only about two. Then we reach a platform and the ghost light is right above us. He turns back to me with a smile and pushes another big door. As the door swings open I am hit with the cool crisp night air and it almost takes my breath away. Draco leads me to the edge of the roof and only then releases my hand and sits down in one of about five older looking chairs of all different colors scattered around a fire pit. I take the one to his left and gently lower myself down into it careful not to break it or snag Ginny's dress. The view is breathtaking. The moon is high and bright above us giving everything below a silver glow. We are far enough from the city that you can see the stars twinkling above. While looking up into the night sky I notice the Big and Little Dipper.

"That right there is Orion." Draco stated as he points to the sky.

"Orion?" I ask slightly confused.

He chuckles as he stands up and grabs my hand. As we step closer to the edge Draco moves to stand behind me and leans down right beside my ear as he points up into the night sky.

"Right there, you see the three bright stars in a row? That's his belt."

"Okay, that one I know." I say trying not to get lost in his voice.

"Well if you look to the high left and high right of the ends of his belt you will find two more bright stars and then another slightly above it making a rough quadrangle shape."

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