Chapter Five

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"You dumb fuck."

"Nice to see you too," a black haired man quipped as he sauntered in Joon's office. "Haven't seen you in two years and this is how you treat me, I'm offended."

"You wasted my time waiting for you last night," Joon growled as he leaned on his desk. "If I didn't owe your dad a favor, we wouldn't be having this merger Ethan."

Ethan didn't understand why Joon was so upset. Sure he didn't show up when he was supposed to but Marissa from the 15th floor's mouth was just heavenly, the amount of drool that formed from her throat had to be a talent. If he could abuse her throat during his visit, he would be a very lucky man. Maybe he would pay her another visit after this merger was complete.

"Yeah yeah," Ethan dismissed as he relaxed on the black leather sofa in Joon's office. "I don't understand why we couldn't wait until he wasn't bedridden to finish this merger, I had to cancel my plans with Giselle to come to this fucking state."

"I'm sorry that I'm saving you money from being with your favorite escort," Joon scoffed as he rolled his eyes. "You don't seem to miss her with adding my female employees to your body count."

"I've had apples, might as well sample some oranges while I'm here." Ethan shrugged as he got comfortable. "You ready to get this done?"

"I'm waiting on my secretary," Joon said as he shifted towards his computer and began to type. "Just sit and be quiet like a good boy, and I might treat you to lunch despite you pissing me off."

"Is pussy on the menu?" Ethan smirked as the thought of nyotaimori* had stirred hunger inside him.

"Is sex all you think about?" Joon replied as he wrinkled his nose in disgust and continued to type. "What happened to you conducting philanthropic social work?"

"What happened to you getting married to Sia Lee?" Ethan retorted.

Joon clenched his jaw as he continued to type. Sia Lee was his college sweetheart who he thought had supported and loved him as he did her until she plundered in his apartment and promptly broke up with him soon after. He knew what she saw, and it didn't make it any easier for him when he tried to talk her into staying with him. Thinking of her face twisted with disgust was the main reason he only focused on his work and never thought about getting into a relationship no matter how much he wanted companionship.

"Just because college fucked you up doesn't mean you fuck with me," Joon jeered. "Garrett is the only person you need to consider as your friend, I'm only tolerating you because of your father. So shut up and entertain yourself or I will shut you up."

Just as Ethan was about to respond, Joon's office doors swung open to reveal a woman with a top knot bun in a black knee length pencil skirt and long sleeved white blouse carrying a stack of files and a big Styrofoam cup. As her stiletto heels clicked on the floor, Ethan's ire receded as he enjoyed the view of the woman sashaying towards Joon's desk.

"I have the files for today Mr. Mal-Chin along with some lemon balm tea," Zyporrah chimed as she placed the Styrofoam cup in front of Joon and the files by the computer. "Your first meeting is at twelve with the retail department so I already ordered lunch which will be served in your office after the meeting is finished."

"Thank you Miss Hayes," Joon replied as his face relaxed as he sipped his tea. "Why the lemon balm today?"

"I figured you would be stressed all night since our guest didn't show up," Zyporrah mentioned with a shrug. "Which reminds me, shall I join you for lunch?"

"May if I join as well?" Ethan asked he arose from the sofa and sauntered his way beside Zyporrah. "I'd love to get to know you better."

Zyporrah quickly turned around to piece the voice that appeared next to her and saw a black haired man with bright green eyes. The man she saw in the parking garage. Quickly maintaining her composure, she smiled politely and offered her hand.

"And you are?" Zyporrah inquired.

"Ethan Niles, CEO of Niles, Radcliffe, Garfield & Company," Ethan responded as he grabbed and kissed Zypoorah's hand and began to undress her with his eyes.

"If you are capable of arriving on time then I'm sure Mr. Mal-Chin would enjoy your company." Zyporrah responded coolly before turning to Joon. "The files by your computer has everything you need to discuss the merger, please call for me when everything needs to be reviewed and witnessed."

"Why don't you stay?" Ethan flirted as he inched closer to Zyporrah. "I'm sure your presence would make this entire process go faster."

"Unlike you sir I like to be on time, whether it be my work or attendance," Zyporrah replied with a smile. "If you'll excuse me."

As she sashayed out Joon's office. Ethan grinned as he hungrily licked his lips.

"She's not going to fall into your traps Ethan," Joon replied as he began to read the documents by his computer. "She's smarter than you'll ever be."

Ethan had her type before.

The closet freak.

Punctual. Studious. Conservative.

Serious to everyone around yet behind closed doors were the loudest and freakiest. Longest and sweatiest romps were always with this type.  The ones who always wanted it harder, faster, deeper. The ones who loved and were obsessed with cum. The ones who begged to be filled and stretched. It would be tough but he would get Joon's secretary in his bed, begging for his touch. He always did. She would be no different.

"We"ll see about that," Ethan challenged as he grabbed the remaining documents and sat down on Joon's desk. "There are more than one ways to lick a cat."



nyotaimori - sushi eaten from the body of an attractive naked woman

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