Chapter Seventeen

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Ethan groaned in annoyance as he viewed Giselle in his hotel bed.

He didn't expect her and didn't like her sudden appearance either. Before he would have, eager to plunge any pent-up frustration into her, but not since he met Zyporrah.

As he typed on his computer, he concluded his share of reports for the merger. Editing any errors and micromanaging his spreadsheets, Ethan was pleased with his somewhat sound mind.

After he had left the restaurant the previous day, he had thoroughly researched Lock&Key. What he had learned had took him by surprise.

Lock&Key was a high class BDSM club. Not some swingers bar or sex club that he had assumed.

As he scrolled through the website he saw pictures of the rooms, amenities, and "equipment". He had learned that a first time appointment ranged from $5,000 to $10,000 depending on what was requested and how skilled the workers were. Which caused him to search exactly was BDSM was.

He saw videos mostly porn of men and women being lashed with whips, chains, and crops. He saw men being slapped and punched, and even stepped on. The thought of Zyporrah doing that to him, caused lust to boil in the pits of his groin but also a wave of uneasiness. He couldn't help but think of college.

Despite those horrid events that plagued his past, it had also made him who he was today.

As he continued to type, Ethan's mind became to think of Zyporrah. He remembered how soft her butt felt in his hands despite how toned it was and how hot she felt against him. Her lips were as soft as he knew they would be causing his member to twitch in excitement from the memory.

He had unintentionally found her weakness. But how could he use this?

She seemed frantic, crazed even when she had seen him. So the fact that he knew this was her dirty little secret was one thing he had against her. But what else?

As he continued to ponder, Ethan didn't see Giselle slink out of bed and creep towards him.

"Ethan come to bed," Giselle whined as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "It's cold without you."

"I'm busy." Ethan refused as he continued to type, his half-hardened cock deflating from her touch.

"I'll make it worth your while," Giselle purred as she nibbled and began to suck his ear.

"No." Ethan refused once more as he continued to type, his temper beginning to rise. "Leave me alone or I'll kick you out."

Giselle quickly stopped her teasing, shocked that Ethan would raise his voice at her. He had always been so tender and attentive to her that he would quickly stop working just to please her. Whether it was a project or meeting, if she craved his attention he would immediately give it to her. As she went back to bed, she watched him type on his computer.

Something had made him act viciously toward her. It couldn't be this business project that she saw him working on, business had never made him so tense. Giselle also knew that despite the fact she always frequented his bed, she knew other women had opened their legs to him and even if they gave him a chase, no woman would gain his attention so greatly.

Watching Ethan, Giselle had made up her mind. Other than being one of her top clients and consistent cash flow, Giselle didn't want Ethan out of her grasp. He was the best lay she ever had and the most good looking from her vast clientele. She loved having him wrapped around her finger and being catered to whenever she felt like it.

She was going to get rid of any obstacles that kept him away from her. Because she deserved to have anything she wanted.


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